if you like nick drake, you will either weep, shit your pants, or both when you hear jose gonzalez.
this is him covering joy division's "love will tear us apart". fucking stunning.
this one brought me to tears. "hand on your heart"
(fuck me. he just played new york like 3 days ago.
why do i have to be stumbling around on youtube tonight?)
today is full of fail. i feel unwelcome in my own life.
don't let the darkness eat you up
*goes on itunes spending spree*
this is him covering joy division's "love will tear us apart". fucking stunning.
this one brought me to tears. "hand on your heart"
(fuck me. he just played new york like 3 days ago.

today is full of fail. i feel unwelcome in my own life.
don't let the darkness eat you up
*goes on itunes spending spree*
it was great meeting you last night, i had an awesome time. looking forward to future gatherings...