thank you, manhattan, for giving me the plague.
*cough* it's everywhere! watch out, radioactive man!
lots going on but i'm just too sick to give a damn.
so i shuffle that way to go work on a costume i'm building for a new off broadway show. there's a fitting this weekend and i have to have it ready tonight so i can call out sick tomorrow and have someone bring it into the city for me while i'm laid up on the couch.
bleh. i hate blowing everyone off but i've been sick since saturday and not really taking care of myself. so i think i should get on that.
thanks for all the love and critiques and support and what have you on my rejected set. good or bad, i appreciate what you have to say about it.

lots going on but i'm just too sick to give a damn.
so i shuffle that way to go work on a costume i'm building for a new off broadway show. there's a fitting this weekend and i have to have it ready tonight so i can call out sick tomorrow and have someone bring it into the city for me while i'm laid up on the couch.
bleh. i hate blowing everyone off but i've been sick since saturday and not really taking care of myself. so i think i should get on that.
thanks for all the love and critiques and support and what have you on my rejected set. good or bad, i appreciate what you have to say about it.

The lighting and funness were stupendous, as is the subject (you).
I'll probably copy/paste this to the SGH board.
Hope you feel better. I grew up in NJ (although South Jersey, near Philly) and can most assuredly relate to the post-city-visit crud you ended up with.
And kudos for having the DKs, Tom Waits, The Buzzcocks,AND Tones On Tail (I thought no one knew them but me - especially someone who was so young in the mid-80s), having a Foo Fighters' song as your set title, AND naming Liquid Sky in your movies!!!! I still have it on Beta Outta-Date-A from when it first was released! (although being in your 20s the world "Beta" in relation to videotapes may be meaningless)