i woke up this morning and took one look at myself and the massive frizzball that is my hair in the morning and went to town.
it's only been since around the time i signed up for sg that i've had long hair. i had dreadlocks in college, shaved em off senior year, and spent the next few years after that growing it out. i was really enjoying looking like a real girl, but alas, the humid stinky jersey summers have the final word on that subject.
ooh. here's my dreads. i still have em in a box somewhere.
i think i'm getting sick. like really, massively, seriously sick. i haven't felt well since friday night- like a 3 day hangover that keeps getting worse. been taking it easy, not even drinking and i've cut back on the smoking. but who knows. and i have a job lined up all next week- i'm training to be a swing (that's theatre slang for substitute) for strumpet, who's currently working at xanadu on broadway. i'll be so pissed if i'm sick for it, as this is a big big fucking deal and strumpets counting on me and i don't want to let her down. not to mention me and gonzos anniversary is tuesday! that would be so fucking lousy. cross yr fingers for me, will ya?
speaking of gonzo...i was highly amused at all yr guesses of what his real name may be. TWO of you guessed matt- which is highly ironic, as matt was the last guy i dated before gonzo, and the two of them harbor a bit of animosity for one another. rumplestiltskin was my favorite guess, but that's not it either.
i'm tempted to keep you in suspense, but why bother? it's not THAT exciting.
brace yourselves...
and if you are one of the few and the proud who knows MY real name, then you know how disgustingly cute that is.
And I do know your real name, and I knew Keiths real name too.. but I didnt want to spoil it for all the fans haha.
And yes, it is disgustingly cute how your names.. are... similar hahaha.