I'm so fucking irritated by this stupid cunt who just had eight more kids. She already had six kids. AND she had them surgically put in there. What the fuck?! She's obviously stupid, so those kids can't be much smarter. Unfortunately the world has been blessed with 14 more kids on welfare living in their grandparents' house. OMG!!! Who the fuck allowed her to inject those eight eggs after she had six kids? That's the answer I want!
Here's a video I found. I can't get it to work right on here so I guess the old fashioned copy and paste thing will have to do for now.
<script src="http://i.cdn.turner.com/cnn/.element/js/2.0/video/evp/module.js?loc=dom&vid=/video/health/2009/02/03/kaye.octuplet.mom.cnn" type="text/javascript"></script><noscript>Embedded video from <a href="http://www.cnn.com/video">CNN Video</a></noscript>
Here's a video I found. I can't get it to work right on here so I guess the old fashioned copy and paste thing will have to do for now.
<script src="http://i.cdn.turner.com/cnn/.element/js/2.0/video/evp/module.js?loc=dom&vid=/video/health/2009/02/03/kaye.octuplet.mom.cnn" type="text/javascript"></script><noscript>Embedded video from <a href="http://www.cnn.com/video">CNN Video</a></noscript>