Heh~ made myself depressed. It's all Alkaline Trio's fault... I fuckin' love their old shit but since all their songs are about breakin' up and loneliness it kinda' takes a happy little poke at my heart. Oh well, I will just escape reality through some videogame or movie.
More Blogs
Tuesday May 11, 2004
Sorry I haven't posted in a while, my computer seems to be gettin' pr… -
Sunday May 09, 2004
Hmmm... well it seems that those Smoke Away pills actually work, so I… -
Thursday Apr 29, 2004
Well it has been about a week since my last damn cigarette... and I s… -
Monday Apr 26, 2004
Yep, another day of work done. Didn't suck too bad since I was pullin… -
Sunday Apr 25, 2004
Grrr... why the bloody fuck did I ever decide to fuckin' quit smokin'… -
Friday Apr 23, 2004
*w00t* So my initial night here I slept in my car. Other than that t… -
Tuesday Apr 20, 2004
2:30 AM So I made it to Clemson and here I am in the all-too familia… -
Tuesday Apr 20, 2004
*w00t* So I finally got off my lazy ass and renewed my membership. Be… -
Wednesday Mar 26, 2003
Heh~ seems I am developing an unhealthy relationship with fire. I tri… -
Tuesday Mar 25, 2003
Man... silence sucks. I am sittin' in my room with no music or TV and…
Mark2 is making me nervous and I'm loooooooooonely!