Well last night was really fucked up... I ended up drivin' to my friends house to crash because I didn't feel safe in my house. In fact the whole time drivin' there I thought things were comin' to get me: people, man-eating deer, etc. In fact I took a butcher's knife with me just in case one of these things tried to attack me. My friend had to take it from me 'cause I am not usually trusted with sharp objects. The rest of the night I couldn't think straight and I was sayin' some crazy shit... well crazier than usual (I was convinced that Earth was God's left testicle). I'm kinda' worried I might be showin' early symptoms of schizophrenia. I mean I had disorganized thoughts, been seein' and hearing weird shit, had paranoid delusions, was extremely manic. Shit... I have been diagnosed with Bi-polar II but my manic stages were never like this... I always had extremely hostile manic phases.
Ok, 'nuff of last night. Lemme' bitch about jury duty. Well got there at 9. Around 9:30 they decided to pick a jury. The Wegner luck won over and I was one of the first drawn and they actually picked me (figures... I always seem to have shitty luck but am randomly drawn first to be on a jury). How they fuckin' picked me I don't know... I hadn't slept in 24 hours and I was still tweakin' from the night before.
Anyways the trial was for a simple possession of pot and possession of stolen goods. Shouldn't of even been a jury trial and it shouldn't of been as fuckin' long as it was. However, the bitch decided to represent herself and proceeded to draw the fuckin' thing out with pointless repetitive questions that didn't help her case at all. I mean how the fuck can you dispute a fuckin' analysis on whether the stems found in your house were from pot? Shit, I got a good look of 'em and I fuckin' knew what the fuck they were. The goods were obviously stolen, yet she questioned the credibility of the invoices and inventory lists. However, she did not argue whether or not she had prior knowledge they were stolen.
Besides, any self-respecting thief would scratch out or take off the serial numbers. Fuck... even if they did think it was stolen they wouldn't be able to find out where from or from who? I am actually on lunch break and have to go back to court now for the defense's argument. If she wanted a fair hearing she should think about how the jury feels being forced to stay longer than was obviously necessary.
Ok, 'nuff of last night. Lemme' bitch about jury duty. Well got there at 9. Around 9:30 they decided to pick a jury. The Wegner luck won over and I was one of the first drawn and they actually picked me (figures... I always seem to have shitty luck but am randomly drawn first to be on a jury). How they fuckin' picked me I don't know... I hadn't slept in 24 hours and I was still tweakin' from the night before.
Anyways the trial was for a simple possession of pot and possession of stolen goods. Shouldn't of even been a jury trial and it shouldn't of been as fuckin' long as it was. However, the bitch decided to represent herself and proceeded to draw the fuckin' thing out with pointless repetitive questions that didn't help her case at all. I mean how the fuck can you dispute a fuckin' analysis on whether the stems found in your house were from pot? Shit, I got a good look of 'em and I fuckin' knew what the fuck they were. The goods were obviously stolen, yet she questioned the credibility of the invoices and inventory lists. However, she did not argue whether or not she had prior knowledge they were stolen.
Besides, any self-respecting thief would scratch out or take off the serial numbers. Fuck... even if they did think it was stolen they wouldn't be able to find out where from or from who? I am actually on lunch break and have to go back to court now for the defense's argument. If she wanted a fair hearing she should think about how the jury feels being forced to stay longer than was obviously necessary.