Yeah so I have been thinkin' again (I know... I shouldn't do that). I was thinkin' about all the crazy shit my father has done in the past... crazy shit... mostly illegal so I shall not go into detail. I know I shouldn't be proud of him for doin' some of the shit he has but I am. I mean that fucker has done more shit that I will ever hope to do in my fuckin' lifetime. To give an example:
My father's dream was to go to Napal, build a house out of hash, and smoke his way out. The fucker actually hitch-hiked from Germany all the way to the central plains of Afghanistan.
My father never had dreams 'cause he fuckin' did 'em. If he wanted to do something he did. Me? All I have are dreams. I mean there are so many places I haven't seen, so many things I haven't done, so many drugs I have tried... I am missin' out on a lot of shit. Hell I used to draw, skateboard, and play soccer (all poorly, but I did enjoy 'em). Now all I do is work, sleep, and occasionally see my friends. I gotta' start doin' something with my life... this is not cutting it anymore.
Random Side-note: While writing this, I kept hearing old Nintendo music. Another time I heard Bad Religion comin' out of my car heater. I have also seen shapes run across the road, kittens, the Pillsbury Doughboy, and a fat man in a dress (which actually was a pole... don't ask).
It is this place... it is like a fuckin' vacuum. No matter what you try to do it sucks you back in. I gotta' get out, gotta' start livin' my dreams before they turn into regrets.
Fuck... I should get to sleep... got Jury Duty at 1. Heh~ Enough mello-drama. Here's some kitty porn:
My father's dream was to go to Napal, build a house out of hash, and smoke his way out. The fucker actually hitch-hiked from Germany all the way to the central plains of Afghanistan.
My father never had dreams 'cause he fuckin' did 'em. If he wanted to do something he did. Me? All I have are dreams. I mean there are so many places I haven't seen, so many things I haven't done, so many drugs I have tried... I am missin' out on a lot of shit. Hell I used to draw, skateboard, and play soccer (all poorly, but I did enjoy 'em). Now all I do is work, sleep, and occasionally see my friends. I gotta' start doin' something with my life... this is not cutting it anymore.
Random Side-note: While writing this, I kept hearing old Nintendo music. Another time I heard Bad Religion comin' out of my car heater. I have also seen shapes run across the road, kittens, the Pillsbury Doughboy, and a fat man in a dress (which actually was a pole... don't ask).
It is this place... it is like a fuckin' vacuum. No matter what you try to do it sucks you back in. I gotta' get out, gotta' start livin' my dreams before they turn into regrets.
Fuck... I should get to sleep... got Jury Duty at 1. Heh~ Enough mello-drama. Here's some kitty porn:

AARON! Are you on acid?!