Work fuckin' sucked today. They flexed me out to outbound. As expected they gave us all the bullshit trailers. The last one particularly pissed me off... I hate it when I have to rely on the incompotence of others in order to get a job done. Hell, at least I got a raise. Since the cost of living has gone up, they gave us all...
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Well saw my shrink today. He said that I am probably not showing early signs of schitzophrenia, but it is more likely that my manic modes are becomin' more prevelant. He suggests a change in meds... probably to Lithium.
Why are kid's shows so fuckin' scary? I am talkin' about Barney and Mr. Roger's kinda' shit. The Wiggles are the creepiest. There is just something...
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Why are kid's shows so fuckin' scary? I am talkin' about Barney and Mr. Roger's kinda' shit. The Wiggles are the creepiest. There is just something...
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Lithium??????? Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
Heh, you wont find Super-size Me except in Atlanta around here.
Heh~ all dressed up and no place to go. Got depressed again... thought wearin' my pin-striped suit would make me feel better. Kinda' did... just kinda' ended up chillin' on the hood of my car on top of a parking garage lookin' down on Clemson. I always liked high places... they allow me to feel detached from the world... kinda' like a spectator. Yeah so...
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Chillin' at pineapple's... been havin' fun. Got drunk last night playin' ratpissshitfuck and just been doin' the normal routine of movies and what-not. Still... kinda' feel off... a little out of synch with things. I dunno... maybe it is just paranoia but something doesn't feel right. Oh well... back to stuff.
Well the good news is I am done with jury duty. Bad news is it finished just in time for work... no luck. Ended up gettin' picked for two trial... I don't understand it...I am not exactly normal so why the fuck was I chosen so many times?
Well the first trial ended with a verdict of not guilty for possession of pot and drug...
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Well the first trial ended with a verdict of not guilty for possession of pot and drug...
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He fell down the stairs while drunk, broke his face over on the ceramic tiles, and woke up much later in a huge pool of blood and with a huge gash in his face. He had no money for stitches, but he really needed them.
Ahahahahaha! Yeps, that is funny. I wish I could have seen limbs flailin' and what-not. I would have laughed. I know... I am bad.
Well last night was really fucked up... I ended up drivin' to my friends house to crash because I didn't feel safe in my house. In fact the whole time drivin' there I thought things were comin' to get me: people, man-eating deer, etc. In fact I took a butcher's knife with me just in case one of these things tried to attack me. My...
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I don't know what the fuck is goin' on... I am kinda' scared about it truthfully. Today I looked for my Irvine Welsh books 'cause I needed some shit to read at the court and I couldn't find any of 'em. Not only that but I couldn't find any of my book collection. It is not like they were stolen... nobody ever comes to my...
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hope you find them dear. that happens to me sometimes too, forgetting important stuff completely.
alia is going to see you today. i'm jealous, and i hope she gives you a beating for me!
alia is going to see you today. i'm jealous, and i hope she gives you a beating for me!
Awww... thank you kindly. Aaron always needs more beatings.
Yeah so I have been thinkin' again (I know... I shouldn't do that). I was thinkin' about all the crazy shit my father has done in the past... crazy shit... mostly illegal so I shall not go into detail. I know I shouldn't be proud of him for doin' some of the shit he has but I am. I mean that fucker has done more...
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AARON! Are you on acid?!
Sorry I haven't posted in a while, my computer seems to be gettin' progressively shittier. It seems that my 4 gig hardrive along with numerous viruses has rendered my computer to a humming, glowing piece of shit. Gotta get it fixed sometime...
Well it seems the cunts at the gas company have turned off our heat, so now I can't take a hot shower to...
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Well it seems the cunts at the gas company have turned off our heat, so now I can't take a hot shower to...
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Hmmm... well it seems that those Smoke Away pills actually work, so I guess I won't be shovin' them up anybody's anal cavities. They work so well that I feel sick just bein' around 'em. Nonetheless... they are effective. Yeps, other than that nothin' new. Damn... I thought for some reason today was the 8th... Mother's Day is today. What the fuck should I get...
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I love your tats, annnnnnnnnnnnnd I'm so glad you aren't reliant on the cancer-fags anymore.
Today is definitely mother's day. Mark and I were going to go do stuff, but I forgot about Mother's Day, so I think he will be otherwise occupied.
Come see me!

Today is definitely mother's day. Mark and I were going to go do stuff, but I forgot about Mother's Day, so I think he will be otherwise occupied.

Come see me!
Aww... I shall come see ya' soon. So since I quit smokin' do I get congrats sex?
Well it has been about a week since my last damn cigarette... and I still want one dammit. I finally went out today and bought that Smoke Away crap. Usually I don't trust anything cunts try to sell me off TV but my friend tried it and it worked for him. It really isn't that I don't have the will power to quit on my...
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You would be amazed how many pills I went through this month.