Hmmm... just thought I would share some of the random (and usually offensive) comments I have made... the ones I remember at least.
*note: These are not my actual views or opinions... just shit that came out of my mouth
I wanna' help the children.... so I am goin' to become a pediatric gynocologist
Women are only good at spreading their legs and cooking dinner.......
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*note: These are not my actual views or opinions... just shit that came out of my mouth
I wanna' help the children.... so I am goin' to become a pediatric gynocologist
Women are only good at spreading their legs and cooking dinner.......
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Shit... feel like writin' something but I don't know what. It is like that naggin' feelin' you get when ya' think you didn't turn the oven off or take the cat out of the toilet. Kinda' like you gotta' fart but you are afraid to 'cause all that might come out is shit. Yeah, well the post is shit so far... so I guess that...
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I got rid of lots of stuff, so I have room for books and more!
Heh~ its been a damn long time since I have actually made a post... never really had both the time and the concentration needed to achieve such a difficult task. A lot of shit has changed in my 4 month hiatus(then again... some things haven't) so I apoligize in advance for this rather long post. Fuck that... I am not apoligizing. If you don't want...
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Heh~ made myself depressed. It's all Alkaline Trio's fault... I fuckin' love their old shit but since all their songs are about breakin' up and loneliness it kinda' takes a happy little poke at my heart. Oh well, I will just escape reality through some videogame or movie.
Come escape with me!
Mark2 is making me nervous and I'm loooooooooonely!
Mark2 is making me nervous and I'm loooooooooonely!

Can't sleep again... guess that is nothing new. Seems like every time I try to get comfortable I end up bein' more uncomfortable than before. Hmm... maybe I need a new mattress.
I dunno... I got that feelin' again... the one that makes ya' feel like something is out of place. I guess I feel that my life would be drastically different if I chose...
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I dunno... I got that feelin' again... the one that makes ya' feel like something is out of place. I guess I feel that my life would be drastically different if I chose...
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Hey! You better tell me about your girlfriend and you better tell me she sucked your cock!

Heh~ no cock suckin' of yet. You know I am savin' myself for you

Fuck... today I did something really stupid. For some fuckin' reason I decided, "Hey, the sun isn't quiete out and it isn't too hot... why not go for a run?" Yeah... why not, huh? Maybe 'cause I haven't fuckin' ran in over a fuckin' yeah and even then I fuckin' hated runnin'. After about a half a mile I was about ready to pass out...
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Damn... been a while since I posted. Heh~ been keepin' myself busy. For the past month I have basically been on some kind of vacation. Honestly... doin' the whole vacation thing is one of the most hectic things. Now I need a vacation from vacation. Felt good to get back to work... you kinda' start missin' it after two weeks of no work.
Well went...
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Well went...
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Mwahahaha! I made some Mac-n-Cheese! Yeah... I know... sounds pretty damn pathetic, but it is a big event to a person that usually doesn't have the attention span or patience to cook food. Hell, I used to cook cakes in the microwave.
I applied to Midlands Tech yesterday... hopefully I will get in. That way I can get some of my basic courses out of...
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I applied to Midlands Tech yesterday... hopefully I will get in. That way I can get some of my basic courses out of...
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Finally back in action on SG. I need to tell you something.
Heh~ I actually had a good time this weekend ~er~ week. In fact I actually went to a party... not something I usually do willingly. It was fun though... much to my suprise. My friend Sweeny's parents were gone so we decided to take advantage of it and have a little get-together. Of course there was the usual playin' of Halo, drinkin', and smokin' of...
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Have you ever felt like burnin' your shit... just set fire to all those worthless, materialistic things that you can't live without? I mean what is the point in all this shit... it is just empty, soulless junk. Its all just another way of escaping reality, running away from your problems... all the shit that you are too afraid to face. Yeah I know... a...
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Hmmm... been havin' strange dreams lately. Don't get me wrong, I love it. Weird ass dreams are one of the things I enjoy most and it almost makes goin' to sleep worth it.
Well one of my dreams was rather short... it basically involved me drivin' but for some reason when I was drivin' a dog got in the way. However, I felt that this...
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Well one of my dreams was rather short... it basically involved me drivin' but for some reason when I was drivin' a dog got in the way. However, I felt that this...
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Ewwwwwww creepy Aaron. I hope you feel better. Miss you.
PS. I've had a few really fucked up dreams lately too.
PS. I've had a few really fucked up dreams lately too.
FUCK! BLOODY FUCKIN'HELL! Furnace Fest has been fuckin' cancelled! Fuckadammit... one of the only things I have been lookin' foward to and it gets fuckin' cancelled... this fuckin' sucks...
Ooooooh, what's that?
It was a 3-day hardcore/metal festival... much like Hellfest. A lot of my favorite bands were goin' to be playin' and HUM was havin' the reunion show.