so I spent my am in the fucking DMV waited and waited (all I had to do was pick up my moms new plates) only for me to get up there and them to tell me I need to fill out a form and I can't have the plates w.o my dad signing the paper and it being noterized.. WTFFFFF
Then I went to the gym
Then I went to the bank cause I lost my Debit card and they were like "we'll give you a new one, but you can't use it right away" wtf is that about.. i wanna spend my money
AND NOW I'M EATING AVACADO ROLLS, so I'm all better (:
Then I went to the gym
Then I went to the bank cause I lost my Debit card and they were like "we'll give you a new one, but you can't use it right away" wtf is that about.. i wanna spend my money

AND NOW I'M EATING AVACADO ROLLS, so I'm all better (:
Sounds like fun at the DMV