heres the story. its interesting. go on and read this.
so...kayla and adrian come and get me from my house around 12:30 am earlier today. we get there at the mall where theyre selling tickets and we're the very first people there. few minutes later, koby and his friends show up. then more people and yeah. time goes by and by, sun rises, and its about 8 something in the morning. marisa and bianca (my twins) borrowed ray rays car to drive around the mall and look to see if there were any lines on the other side of the mall. we're just sitting there and they come flooring it back across the parking lot telling us that the doors are open on the other side. so all of us grab our shit and run straight to the cars. all of us get to the other side and we run upstairs to where foleys (where the tix were being sold) was. so now we're inside the mall waiting at those doors. after a while, this manager guy comes out saying that hes going to open these doors last and that he was going to open the doors at the mens wear first. so here we all go again, dashing to another side of the mall. we all get there positive this is THE door theyre going to let us in at. a different manager finally comes back out and says "we arent going to open these doors. we're going to open the doors on the opposite side of these doors, first." which were the ones were we at orignally. so we're fucking pissed off now. everyone else is running over there while i fucking walk. we turn the corner and theres about 50 people waiting there waiting in line where we first were originally when we first got there. so im like are we going to do now. it was either, stand there and shove my way through when the doors open, or go back inside the mall and try to get in from there. so i just walk back up to the other doors inside the mall. im standing there, doors locked in front of us, with 10 mins til 10 am. which is when the tix go on sale. i call monica and im like "dude..theres no way in hell im going to get in there so try and order the tickets online" so shes like "okay how many do i order?" and i tell her i need her to order 3 of them. and then shes like "well dude...i dont have that much money in my bank account. so run and deposit it because theres like 8 min til they go on sale" so im like "alright fine" and i run my ass across the whole damn mall and while im running this guy fucking whistled at me lol..but anyway, i got to the other side to find that the bank isnt open yet. so i call monica back as i run back to foleys and im like "its not open yet so im just going to press my luck and try to get in when they open the doors" and shes like "no, you have to go deposit the money because you arent going to get in" so im standing there at foleys arguing with her and its like 10:02 now and shes just like "dude....go deposit the money NOW" so i was like "alright fine". but as i was turning to leave i saw through the window, people running their asses off to get the tickets. they had opened the doors downstairs. so i was like "thats it. probably no tickets" so i fucking run my ass back over to the bank. while im doing that shes online sitting there ready to click "submit" to buy the tickets. but she couldnt click it until i put the money in. so i run into the bank and all these people are staring at me lol im like "i need to desposit some money into an account" so the guy is like "sure, just go and fill out a slip over there" so i go over and i have no fucking clue how or what to fill out on the damn thing so he comes over and shows me so then i gotta call monica and ask her what i put the money into and how much and blah blah blah so i run over to the thing and send it off and this lady comes back and shes like "im not sure what you want me to do with the money" 10:03 rolls around. im like "i just need to put $100 in the damn account" and shes like "well wheres the money" lol so dumbass me forgot to put the money in so she sends it back and i put the money in and shes like "oh, and also, i need the social security number" so i call monica back and ask for that so i filled it all out again, with the money this time lol and as soon as i hit the "send" button in the bank i say to monica "okay go" then she hit the "submit" button and bam. done. got the damn tickets. she had money originally for 2 tickets but i couldnt fuck cyanide over like that and not get her one lol so i had to deposit the money and run everywhere just so cyanide could get a fucking ticket. i kept asking monica "you SURE we have the tickets???" haha i couldnt believe it. so i walked really slowly back to where the tickets were being sold. i see marisa, bianca, and ray ray walking towards me and bianca is like "HA! WE GOT OUR TICKETS! SECTION 104" and me all out of breath was like "oh yeah thats cool..i got mine too!" then after that josh and anthony were walking towards me. i had the deposit slip still in my hand and josh came up staring at it and was like "DID YOU GET THE TICKETS?" and me all nonchalantly, said "ooh yeah...i got the seats right behind the GA" and anthony was like "YOU MOTHER FUCKER" and i was like "yeah..hahaha.." then i walked off lol thats what you get for being an asshole to me! so yeah after that i just went and sat with kayla and i told her i got the tickets and all these people were giving me dirty looks haha but yeah...i actually got NIN tickets. i couldnt believe it. still cant. im so fucking tired and i just want to submerge myself in ice cold water. thats about it.
i kinda like nin....
so...kayla and adrian come and get me from my house around 12:30 am earlier today. we get there at the mall where theyre selling tickets and we're the very first people there. few minutes later, koby and his friends show up. then more people and yeah. time goes by and by, sun rises, and its about 8 something in the morning. marisa and bianca (my twins) borrowed ray rays car to drive around the mall and look to see if there were any lines on the other side of the mall. we're just sitting there and they come flooring it back across the parking lot telling us that the doors are open on the other side. so all of us grab our shit and run straight to the cars. all of us get to the other side and we run upstairs to where foleys (where the tix were being sold) was. so now we're inside the mall waiting at those doors. after a while, this manager guy comes out saying that hes going to open these doors last and that he was going to open the doors at the mens wear first. so here we all go again, dashing to another side of the mall. we all get there positive this is THE door theyre going to let us in at. a different manager finally comes back out and says "we arent going to open these doors. we're going to open the doors on the opposite side of these doors, first." which were the ones were we at orignally. so we're fucking pissed off now. everyone else is running over there while i fucking walk. we turn the corner and theres about 50 people waiting there waiting in line where we first were originally when we first got there. so im like are we going to do now. it was either, stand there and shove my way through when the doors open, or go back inside the mall and try to get in from there. so i just walk back up to the other doors inside the mall. im standing there, doors locked in front of us, with 10 mins til 10 am. which is when the tix go on sale. i call monica and im like "dude..theres no way in hell im going to get in there so try and order the tickets online" so shes like "okay how many do i order?" and i tell her i need her to order 3 of them. and then shes like "well dude...i dont have that much money in my bank account. so run and deposit it because theres like 8 min til they go on sale" so im like "alright fine" and i run my ass across the whole damn mall and while im running this guy fucking whistled at me lol..but anyway, i got to the other side to find that the bank isnt open yet. so i call monica back as i run back to foleys and im like "its not open yet so im just going to press my luck and try to get in when they open the doors" and shes like "no, you have to go deposit the money because you arent going to get in" so im standing there at foleys arguing with her and its like 10:02 now and shes just like "dude....go deposit the money NOW" so i was like "alright fine". but as i was turning to leave i saw through the window, people running their asses off to get the tickets. they had opened the doors downstairs. so i was like "thats it. probably no tickets" so i fucking run my ass back over to the bank. while im doing that shes online sitting there ready to click "submit" to buy the tickets. but she couldnt click it until i put the money in. so i run into the bank and all these people are staring at me lol im like "i need to desposit some money into an account" so the guy is like "sure, just go and fill out a slip over there" so i go over and i have no fucking clue how or what to fill out on the damn thing so he comes over and shows me so then i gotta call monica and ask her what i put the money into and how much and blah blah blah so i run over to the thing and send it off and this lady comes back and shes like "im not sure what you want me to do with the money" 10:03 rolls around. im like "i just need to put $100 in the damn account" and shes like "well wheres the money" lol so dumbass me forgot to put the money in so she sends it back and i put the money in and shes like "oh, and also, i need the social security number" so i call monica back and ask for that so i filled it all out again, with the money this time lol and as soon as i hit the "send" button in the bank i say to monica "okay go" then she hit the "submit" button and bam. done. got the damn tickets. she had money originally for 2 tickets but i couldnt fuck cyanide over like that and not get her one lol so i had to deposit the money and run everywhere just so cyanide could get a fucking ticket. i kept asking monica "you SURE we have the tickets???" haha i couldnt believe it. so i walked really slowly back to where the tickets were being sold. i see marisa, bianca, and ray ray walking towards me and bianca is like "HA! WE GOT OUR TICKETS! SECTION 104" and me all out of breath was like "oh yeah thats cool..i got mine too!" then after that josh and anthony were walking towards me. i had the deposit slip still in my hand and josh came up staring at it and was like "DID YOU GET THE TICKETS?" and me all nonchalantly, said "ooh yeah...i got the seats right behind the GA" and anthony was like "YOU MOTHER FUCKER" and i was like "yeah..hahaha.." then i walked off lol thats what you get for being an asshole to me! so yeah after that i just went and sat with kayla and i told her i got the tickets and all these people were giving me dirty looks haha but yeah...i actually got NIN tickets. i couldnt believe it. still cant. im so fucking tired and i just want to submerge myself in ice cold water. thats about it.