ok heres my day. hopefully ill remember all of it. anthony calls me up at around 8 AM to wake me up to get ready. i take a shower and get ready or whatever and around 10:30 AM its anthony, brian, steven, me, and exit and we're figuring out what to do. im hungry so we stop at taco bell and get something to eat. we were sitting there and anthony was laughing his ass off and he spit on brian hahaha (yes im gonna tell them about your day brian lol) so anyway...we walk to the dollar store and mess around for a while and exit picks up this bucket we can use to smoke with. we go back to exits and hang out for a while. i played guitar and we looked at SG for a few minutes. exit found his broken tv and we decided to go smash it somewhere so we took off to this old k-mart not too far away. we go to the back of the store and get out. there was this tire laying there so i started rolling it around and anthony found this old gallon container thingy and kicked it. what he didnt know was that there was "bum water" (as brian called it) inside and when he kicked it, it splashed brian all over his face hahahaha they start finding things to smash it with. exit found this part of a fence or something and hit it with that. then brian started kicking the tv w/ his steel toe boots. haha that was pretty cool..so ya, brian finally picked up the tv and threw it. that was pretty much the end of the tvs life. so we took off quick because it was kinda loud. i dont remember what happened after that..forward to the smoking. we drove around and brian sed that we should go smoke at the park. so we went down and scoped it out first. i found this clear spot a little ways into the woods in the park. so we go and get the shit and exit starts setting up the gravity bong. woohhooo. at first it wasnt hitting to well but he got it going and dude...that shit hit GOOD. its hard to explain but you have to put water in the bucket to make it work...anyway, we used this nasty ass water from this pond nearby and long story short, i was taking a hit and i sucked in that nasty ass water lol i didnt swallow it but it was still fucken nasty. i had little chunks of dirt in my mouth and shit lol but ya i got pretty fucked up. after that i dont really remember what happened..so ya today was pretty fucken badass. i hadnt laughed so hard in sooo long. today was just great.
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