I was VERRRRYYY close to terminating my account because I thought Stormy left but now she's back!!! So I'm going to keep the account. There's still a lot of things I don't like anymore on this website though to be honest. People either like the new ideas with the site, or don't like. I'm one of the "don't like" people. It's not that I HATE the new stuff but I just prefer SG how it used to be. More exclusive and awesome. But ya know...things always change.
In other news, for a while I started to go back to that dangerous ex of mine. The one that has been hurting me for like 7 months now or something like that. The other day....it was really weird....I woke up for school, got ready and went downstairs only to find that my step dad (my ride to school), wasn't even awake yet. Sooo, I crashed out on the couch. I had this dream....I won't go into detail of how it went but when I woke up I had a totally different perspective of the world and how I live life. I'm STILL living by it and I had the dream a few days back. Even though it sounds stupid and I bet some of you will be like "DUUUHHH" I realized the simple fact that, there are more people out there to meet. Things between me and my ex will never work out and I accept that. The people I have in my life aren't the only people out there. I KNOW that my closest friends aren't the only people in the world that don't lie. I feel that there's something WAY better for me out there. I KNOW it. I'm not going to keep putting myself through a bunch of shit I know I shouldn't have to be dealing with when I could be with someone who loves me back and all that jazz. Anyway, whenever I find myself thinking about my ex and how I miss them....I just tell myself "there's more people out there. better people. I'll find someone better" and then just telling myself that makes me feel better because I know I will find other people. Whether it be friends or people I can make relationships with. I'm not going to reread this thing so if there's anything that doesn't make sense I'm sorry.
In conclusion, there's some amazing people out there I am willing to meet. I'm too young to be thinking that if things won't work with my ex, there's no one else. FUCK ALL THAT! I'm going to live my life and I know someone will come my way.
In other news, for a while I started to go back to that dangerous ex of mine. The one that has been hurting me for like 7 months now or something like that. The other day....it was really weird....I woke up for school, got ready and went downstairs only to find that my step dad (my ride to school), wasn't even awake yet. Sooo, I crashed out on the couch. I had this dream....I won't go into detail of how it went but when I woke up I had a totally different perspective of the world and how I live life. I'm STILL living by it and I had the dream a few days back. Even though it sounds stupid and I bet some of you will be like "DUUUHHH" I realized the simple fact that, there are more people out there to meet. Things between me and my ex will never work out and I accept that. The people I have in my life aren't the only people out there. I KNOW that my closest friends aren't the only people in the world that don't lie. I feel that there's something WAY better for me out there. I KNOW it. I'm not going to keep putting myself through a bunch of shit I know I shouldn't have to be dealing with when I could be with someone who loves me back and all that jazz. Anyway, whenever I find myself thinking about my ex and how I miss them....I just tell myself "there's more people out there. better people. I'll find someone better" and then just telling myself that makes me feel better because I know I will find other people. Whether it be friends or people I can make relationships with. I'm not going to reread this thing so if there's anything that doesn't make sense I'm sorry.
In conclusion, there's some amazing people out there I am willing to meet. I'm too young to be thinking that if things won't work with my ex, there's no one else. FUCK ALL THAT! I'm going to live my life and I know someone will come my way.
Now, if i could only put that plan into action
you sound like me when i'm in non depressed mode