I have this heavy weight in the middle of my chest and it's dragging me down. And it doesn't help waking up from having a dream about you. About me trying to get you back. About how I would do anything to get you back but I know I shouldn't. About me second guessing if I really do need you back. About me second guessing...
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It's hitting so hard right now. It's getting worse.

Yup, it's fucking bullshit. Take good care of yourself, or failing that, demand that somebody else do it.
Overall, things will improve, albeit with the occasional trough, or bout, of suckiness.
I suspect you'd like Helmet. Search them out on musicplasma and see my point.
[Edited on Aug 14, 2005 9:37PM]
Overall, things will improve, albeit with the occasional trough, or bout, of suckiness.
I suspect you'd like Helmet. Search them out on musicplasma and see my point.
[Edited on Aug 14, 2005 9:37PM]
I tried to hold off as long as I could with this bullshit but it's really starting to hit me hard right now.
I wished I would never have to feel this pain in my life ever again. That's just an unrealistic wish though. It's just really one of the worst pains I have to deal with. I knew it would hit me soon and...
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The fact that you can type cohearantly is a good start
<-- for you

This entire journal entry is like a microcosm for me over the last six months. You have some awesome speedness to your recovery, milady.

Yeah...no short buses for Ericka! I've been kind of happy because it's been raining all night or all morning. whatever. I'm supposed to hang out with Jake today so that should be cool but so far I haven't really done shit since I got up. I still have to eat and take a shower and all that.
Those fucking bastards from the movies still haven't...
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Those fucking bastards from the movies still haven't...
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my prayers have been answered. you know i exist!!

Wouldn't that mean you'd fire off a few too many rounds, and your pants would fall down?
im so stupid i cant even update my journal
yeah, i feel the same exact way. it's been a rough week

Come on.. I'm sure you don't ride the short bus. Your just lazy like the rest of us.
all the sg stuff i have
heres the story. its interesting. go on and read this.
so...kayla and adrian come and get me from my house around 12:30 am earlier today. we get there at the mall where theyre selling tickets and we're the very first people there. few minutes later, koby and his friends show up. then more people and yeah. time goes by and by, sun rises, and its...
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so...kayla and adrian come and get me from my house around 12:30 am earlier today. we get there at the mall where theyre selling tickets and we're the very first people there. few minutes later, koby and his friends show up. then more people and yeah. time goes by and by, sun rises, and its...
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How come I always forget to update this damn thing?? I update the shit out of my dead journal but I always forget to update this one. I'm always too busy staring at Stormy to remember.
Well, I ran into Alisia at walmart last night which was like the best surprise I've had in lets say.......months maybe?? Anyway, it was great to see her. She...
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Well, I ran into Alisia at walmart last night which was like the best surprise I've had in lets say.......months maybe?? Anyway, it was great to see her. She...
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come play video games with me
depends on which ones....ill kick your ass!!

i put a couple pics in my PICS section so yeah...feel free to look at em. or whatever.

have you been watching any of the sprurs games? i miss S.A.

great pic of the fabulous giant clothespin!

pics n shiz
pull yourself together
dont let them ruin you
dont let them ruin you

kristen broke up with me. i was so ready for all of it to work out. it all came crashing down. i dont know what i did. it was so sudden. i cant handle this again. i dont know what to do. i have no one left. veronica fucken hates me and doesnt want me. kristen doesnt want me. i have no one to think...
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This guy reminds me so much of my girl it's not even funny. Bleck. Something tells me you treated him just fine -- something tells me you weren't the one who screwed up.