What an insane type of seven days that have laid upon me. The best I can do Is sum up all the details. For one, My sweetheart dog Roxie found her way in front of a car before it was to late. Although she is walking around now the vet has informed me she is blind, deaf and as well suffering from amnesia. They hand me a bill for 1,1000 and tell me she will be fine. I love how doctors leave you in the dark. I miss my baby and how she once was, please take a moment to wish her well....
On a lighter note I think all is well with the employment of yours truly at the House Of Blues. In fact I told my old job to shove it up their ass! Can you believe they told me my dog at the vet was not sufficient enough an excuse to call in late. Fuck them!
Oh well ..
I had myself a "Masters of Horror" marathon
I must say, "Dance of the Dead"
"Incident off and on a Mountain Road"
"Cigarette Burs"
And "Sick Girl" were the best!
All of them rocked but those were the most memorable .. in any event, I must rest! Talk to you all soon!
On a lighter note I think all is well with the employment of yours truly at the House Of Blues. In fact I told my old job to shove it up their ass! Can you believe they told me my dog at the vet was not sufficient enough an excuse to call in late. Fuck them!
Oh well ..
I had myself a "Masters of Horror" marathon
I must say, "Dance of the Dead"
"Incident off and on a Mountain Road"
"Cigarette Burs"
And "Sick Girl" were the best!
All of them rocked but those were the most memorable .. in any event, I must rest! Talk to you all soon!
i'm sorry about your puupy! i hope she is ok!!!

thank you for the yummy pics of sheri !!