Going to kinda just list a bunch of shit such as movies/music/anime/games as convo starters. Ahem. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is my favourite movies. My only real favourite anything. Shawshank Redemption. Fight Club. Seven. Die Hard. The Princess Bride. V for Vendetta. Children of Men. Wall-E. Anchorman.
I'll round up top 10s.
Music: Company of Thieves. Yeah Yeah Yeahs. Florence + the Machine. Nico Vega. Cocorosie. Matt and Kim. Bestie Boys. Flight of the Chonchords. Nirvana. Utada Hikaru.
Currently reading The Boys, X-force with X-23. Along with X-23. Of course the Walking Dead.
Anime: Cowboy Bebop. Samurai Champloo. Soul Eater. Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood. Ruruni Kenshin OVAs. Naruto.(Manga as well). Dragon Ball/Z. FLCL. DieBuster. Elfen Lied.. Highschool of the Dead.
Shows: Community. How I met your mother. Game of Thrones. Modern Family. Family Guy. South Park. Avatar: The Last Airbender. Spartacus. The guild. The Office. True Blood.
That's it for now. I need a new picture... Hi. =)
I'll round up top 10s.
Music: Company of Thieves. Yeah Yeah Yeahs. Florence + the Machine. Nico Vega. Cocorosie. Matt and Kim. Bestie Boys. Flight of the Chonchords. Nirvana. Utada Hikaru.
Currently reading The Boys, X-force with X-23. Along with X-23. Of course the Walking Dead.
Anime: Cowboy Bebop. Samurai Champloo. Soul Eater. Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood. Ruruni Kenshin OVAs. Naruto.(Manga as well). Dragon Ball/Z. FLCL. DieBuster. Elfen Lied.. Highschool of the Dead.
Shows: Community. How I met your mother. Game of Thrones. Modern Family. Family Guy. South Park. Avatar: The Last Airbender. Spartacus. The guild. The Office. True Blood.
That's it for now. I need a new picture... Hi. =)
Kiss Kiss is the song I got tattooed on my thighs.