I haven't been on here in awhile
Some stuff has been going through my head and it really sucks
I'm not gonna be a debbie downer but certain shit I don't understand
So there was this girl. With that one sentence you know it's not gonna be good. I liked her and we were just friends. Long story short we go to this concert and things don't go well. Actually that was the last time I saw her and that was a few months ago. We talked about it and everything was cool. Then she started acting mean, she has never been like that to me. So another situation happened I made this comic collage and she claimed I stole the idea from her which was not true. I sent her a message explaining a few things she replies back being completely immature and rude. It hurt. She has cut off all contact with me.
I'm not gonna make this all I'm just upset blog, cause not everything sucks
So I went to the Cleveland tattoo expo thing and I got this done!
Oh I fucking love it. I went with my good friend Jill. We had a great time.
So I started "seeing this girl. Again you know not good. So last year I tired to talk and hang out with this girl and nothing ever came through. So a year later she made a comment on fb about hanging out I was shocked. I said fuck it and I hung out with her and it was good! The following week we had another date and things were looking up. Then I texted her the day after the date. She proceeds to tell me about the job promotion she was offered and what a great opportunity it will be. I said great go for it but she then tells me it's out in Arizona
so she would have to move. A few days later she tells me she took the offer in Arizona but the move won't be until next spring. So that hit me pretty hard. I just start seeing someone and now they're gonna move. I want her to excel in her job. I'm not gonna hold her back that would be wrong and I don't want her to stay cause of me then she would resent me. Then she started acting distant. So I might see her once a week if that I'm not saying I need to see her everyday but when you're 20 minutes away it's not that hard to see someone. Texting her and seeing her in person are completely different. It's just weird I don't get it. I feel as though I'm second rate like she doesn't really want to make an effort to see me when I make an effort all the time only to get blown off
I don't know what to do I like her but I don't know what's going on in her head. This sucks. I talked to her about a situation with my sister. She used to work with my older sister. It was about how my brother in law is being an asshole and I also mentioned about how I wouldn't be like that and I want to be on the same page stuff like that. And it was one of those things were we talked more like texted about my sister and nothing about what I said about our "relationship". I don't know :/
I went to the beach again. I like to go out and take pictures it helps me relax.
Also I made this awesome Punisher collage!

Some stuff has been going through my head and it really sucks
I'm not gonna be a debbie downer but certain shit I don't understand
So there was this girl. With that one sentence you know it's not gonna be good. I liked her and we were just friends. Long story short we go to this concert and things don't go well. Actually that was the last time I saw her and that was a few months ago. We talked about it and everything was cool. Then she started acting mean, she has never been like that to me. So another situation happened I made this comic collage and she claimed I stole the idea from her which was not true. I sent her a message explaining a few things she replies back being completely immature and rude. It hurt. She has cut off all contact with me.
I'm not gonna make this all I'm just upset blog, cause not everything sucks
So I went to the Cleveland tattoo expo thing and I got this done!

Oh I fucking love it. I went with my good friend Jill. We had a great time.
So I started "seeing this girl. Again you know not good. So last year I tired to talk and hang out with this girl and nothing ever came through. So a year later she made a comment on fb about hanging out I was shocked. I said fuck it and I hung out with her and it was good! The following week we had another date and things were looking up. Then I texted her the day after the date. She proceeds to tell me about the job promotion she was offered and what a great opportunity it will be. I said great go for it but she then tells me it's out in Arizona

I went to the beach again. I like to go out and take pictures it helps me relax.

Also I made this awesome Punisher collage!

hey there
cool tattoo. and sorry about your girl troubles

Well Hi there! Thanks for the compliment! But yeah hopefully things work out, they usually don't with my luck, well just see what happens.