I wrote a blog a year ago :/
I'm slackin'
Up date is in order
Sort of got a new position at work whoot!
My fixer upper house has fuckin walls and they're painted!
Almost in, very close!
Haven't made much stencils or collages :/
But I have done a shit ton of photography
Visited my sister in NYC
Holy Shit great time!
Flown on...
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I'm slackin'
Up date is in order
Sort of got a new position at work whoot!
My fixer upper house has fuckin walls and they're painted!
Almost in, very close!
Haven't made much stencils or collages :/
But I have done a shit ton of photography
Visited my sister in NYC
Holy Shit great time!
Flown on...
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I haven't been on here in awhile
Some stuff has been going through my head and it really sucks
I'm not gonna be a debbie downer but certain shit I don't understand
So there was this girl. With that one sentence you know it's not gonna be good. I liked her and we were just friends. Long story short we go to this concert...
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Some stuff has been going through my head and it really sucks
I'm not gonna be a debbie downer but certain shit I don't understand
So there was this girl. With that one sentence you know it's not gonna be good. I liked her and we were just friends. Long story short we go to this concert...
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hey there
cool tattoo. and sorry about your girl troubles

Well Hi there! Thanks for the compliment! But yeah hopefully things work out, they usually don't with my luck, well just see what happens.
I like it all 

LOL I typed up this huge blog then accidentally pressed the back arrow then poof ! it was gone
Oh well here's the cliff notes version
-Friends being dicks to each other not cool
-Also not cool hitting a woman
-My fixer upper house almost done!
-Work change hourly to now piecework
-Got 2 blondes to choose from lol probably get shot down in flames...
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Oh well here's the cliff notes version
-Friends being dicks to each other not cool
-Also not cool hitting a woman
-My fixer upper house almost done!
-Work change hourly to now piecework
-Got 2 blondes to choose from lol probably get shot down in flames...
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thank ya!!!! i deff love ur blog esp when 2 blondes are in the way and get shot down with flames lol priceless
Horror Hound was pretty awesome. Insanely crowded, but awesome. Got to meet some cool people as well. Most importantly Danielle Harris, so that was nice 

OMG! Jucifer! and the wall of speakers. Love them.
Nice! The spiderman one is pretty sweet 

Very very cool!
Well yesterday I was awaken by a horrible pain in my left lower back. After about an hour or so it was gone and I fell back to sleep. I went to work feeling crappy but I had no pain in my back. So around 3 3:30 it started again. It was the worst pain I have ever dealt with. I called my dad and...
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Oh man, it was fucking awesome! first big con i've ever gone to. Next year I'm requesting off the entire weekend so I can hit up the rave afterwards!
try tiger balm you can get it from cvs it works great!
I don't know about you guys but Futurama makes my day
and here's Hypnotoad

and here's Hypnotoad

All hail Hypnotoad!
I said fuck it I'm gonna join this year. I've always admired from a far I think it's time to join the group. I don't know what else to say...shit
Thanks for the add, I'm always up for meeting new people
I feel you on the whole admiring from a far thing. I've wanting to join for yearssss, so I asked for a subscription for my bday, and the rest is history.

I know what you mean. It took me years to finally decide to join AND apply. Welcome!
Did you go to MOMA?