wow, only one week left of pizza hut hell!
after 5 years of being a cheesemonkeypepperonininja, its finally time to move on to better things.
i should be sad that im leaving, ive met so many people, and had so many experiances through just one job, i even met my sweet mayo-princess there, but what do ya know.....i couldnt be happier! ive outgrown that place now, im not 17 any more.
its weird, ive met some strange people at pizza hut, for me its always been a means to fund what i like to do outside of work, but for these people, its their actual job, they have nothing else, no aspirations, no hobbies, no passions, no goddamn life! and when you spend so much of your time around this kind of people, it kinda drains somthing from you, and you can get sucked into their way of thinking,
for example....i was made to feel uber guilty when i took up a photography course, because it meant i couldnt work saturdays, i became the black sheep!
im glad ill never be these people, and they'll always be a yard stick for what i never want to be.
pitty the fools!!! mwahahahahahaha!
long live the APE FO DEATH!!!!!!!!!
after 5 years of being a cheesemonkeypepperonininja, its finally time to move on to better things.
i should be sad that im leaving, ive met so many people, and had so many experiances through just one job, i even met my sweet mayo-princess there, but what do ya know.....i couldnt be happier! ive outgrown that place now, im not 17 any more.
its weird, ive met some strange people at pizza hut, for me its always been a means to fund what i like to do outside of work, but for these people, its their actual job, they have nothing else, no aspirations, no hobbies, no passions, no goddamn life! and when you spend so much of your time around this kind of people, it kinda drains somthing from you, and you can get sucked into their way of thinking,
for example....i was made to feel uber guilty when i took up a photography course, because it meant i couldnt work saturdays, i became the black sheep!
im glad ill never be these people, and they'll always be a yard stick for what i never want to be.
pitty the fools!!! mwahahahahahaha!
long live the APE FO DEATH!!!!!!!!!
hey dude!
good to have you here too!
never give in to the corporate dream, don't be a cog in their fucking machine.
leaving shitty jobs rocks, i think you should have a ceremonial burning of your uniform an everything!!! breathe fire on it.
on to things bigger an better i think.
good luck, and
this is it! . . . .don't get scared now . .