Well, lets see.
Went to the gym, as I have been doing alot lately, so thats great.
Now, Off to work I go.
Fuck. What a horrible night.
I did great at work. Everyone there loves me, it seems. I made more then just about anyone there, too.
And then,
Two girls kept hitting on me all night,feeling up my pecs -and- grabbing a feelskie though my pants that I did -not- authorize.

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

I just got off training, and there I am, standing at...
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Yesterday at work I did so well they put me on a double for today- I'm currently on lunch break. Hot damn though, my bad KILLS.
Oh well, good money and good times.
Damn, I wish I was happier already.
So, what day is it..
Ah, thursday.
Well, I got hired yesterday, and today I go into work for my first shift. I'm pretty sure its a normal thing, but I F*ing hate the first day at any job - the first week just feels some damn uncomfortable. Oh well, got to deal with it I s'pose.
So, lets see, work at 4:30.
Until then.......
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Where are you working? Im still trying to find a job. Blegh, what a pain in the ass job searching is!!

So, some background on myself, and my recent living conditions.
I'm a single male, living in the cameron creek apartments near asu - I share the appartment with scott, a friend of mine since middle school who I've somehow managed to keep in touch with.
I've lived in... 16 places now, but I know I'll be staying in ASU a minumum of one more year....
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Check this out, I finally got an SG account. Its about time, really - its soon to be my home-away-from-home.
Time to meet some great new people.
Oh, and a note to anyone reading my profile - I only seem full of myself because I intend to portray myself in a positive manner. Trust me, my ego is nowhere near that uncontrollable.