13 day till my next dr's appointment. hopefully they will tell me there is lots of bone growth in my leg. then I can start back at physical therapy strengthening my leg and walking on it.
the older I get the more I realize my world is shrinking. I have very few friends anymore, nor do I go anywhere or do anything anymore.
it has always been hard for me to make friends. some of it I imagine is my anxiety in social situations that makes me extremely shy. some probably my horrible insecurities that make me feel worthless to other people most of the time.
I feel embarrassed trying to talk to people, to try to have a normal conversation. I cant even really start up conversations on the internet.
I try to even write things on peoples sets. I usually give up because it always makes me feel weird and creepy so when I do comment it is usually a generic that's nice. I feel stupid writing that over and over. (not to mention my grammar is atrocious) if I do write something different I later over analyze and convince myself how stupid it was.
I fear im being judged constantly and inevitably am always found lacking. :(