so my life fucking sucks...
i try to change my life n move away....
get no financil aid for school...have to get loans...
still lack $5,000...try and rent a uhaul trailer...cant cuz of the vehicle i drive..
so i buy a fucking trailer.....
then my dad says he has cancer..he had surgury last friday...they removed 2 tumors hes doin great n they said its a type that rarely returns...
so i plan on still goin.....
now my grandmother is very ill and in the hospital....
im freaking out about trying to pack cuz i have no idea where to start....
today i get a call from my friends mother...he is currently in jail...
he was the person who was goin to help me move and drive to phoenix...
i tried to get my suv aligned yesterday...for the 6th fucking time....even more shit wrong...cost me $400
i have nothing around and am supposed to be at my apt in phoenix by the 31st to sign the lease.....
im thinking i should just fucking give up.....
this is why i dont try in life ....why try when all you do is fail???????????????????
i try to change my life n move away....
get no financil aid for school...have to get loans...
still lack $5,000...try and rent a uhaul trailer...cant cuz of the vehicle i drive..
so i buy a fucking trailer.....
then my dad says he has cancer..he had surgury last friday...they removed 2 tumors hes doin great n they said its a type that rarely returns...
so i plan on still goin.....
now my grandmother is very ill and in the hospital....
im freaking out about trying to pack cuz i have no idea where to start....
today i get a call from my friends mother...he is currently in jail...
he was the person who was goin to help me move and drive to phoenix...
i tried to get my suv aligned yesterday...for the 6th fucking time....even more shit wrong...cost me $400
i have nothing around and am supposed to be at my apt in phoenix by the 31st to sign the lease.....
im thinking i should just fucking give up.....
this is why i dont try in life ....why try when all you do is fail???????????????????