crisis averted! massive sigh of relief
feeling like shit tho... everyone seems to be sick at the mo. not sure whats wrong but i think i may feel about a hundred times better if i just chop my head off and get a new one. headaches for days. blergh.
in case you don't want to read my crazy thoughts of my upcomming move i've spoilered it for you... feel free to skpi right past that babble if you like

feeling like shit tho... everyone seems to be sick at the mo. not sure whats wrong but i think i may feel about a hundred times better if i just chop my head off and get a new one. headaches for days. blergh.
in case you don't want to read my crazy thoughts of my upcomming move i've spoilered it for you... feel free to skpi right past that babble if you like

i'm getting really bored with my long locks... it may be time for a change again. not sure if i should just cut more layers, change the colour or go for a whole new look. i do know that i feel like a frumpy housewife tho lol so absolutely time for a change.
any suggestions would be appreciated
I remember moving in with someone once, into their place. I didn't quite feel right untill we moved from there, and found a place together. Untill then I felt really in his space etc. Which seems silly, but I couldn't help but feel that way. I hope he makes you feel welcome in his pad
Try not to stress. If things don't work out (which I hope they do!) You can leave, no strings attached. Easier said than done.......I broke up with James in April, and it's now half way through June and I'm still dealing with the prick lol
Housewarming!!!? hehe

I can't, I used up 70% of my brothers monthly download limit hahaha I'm practically on internet ban. Tell those in chat for me lol
I was in there every night hahaha. I'll be moving house this weekend, and hopefully will have my internet all hooked up etc. Can't wait! xo