my housemate is 'seeing how things go' with her douche ex-boyfriend. i literally want to vomit a little, every time i see him. sincerely, he reminds me of gollom. slimey little hunchback of a man who is very unattractive.
as much as i want J to be happy, i can't even bring myself to be even remotely civil to her little sack of shit.
how does this affect me really? well since he has had to leave the house he was living in (after hooking up with J's arch enemy who they all used to live with - wich didn't go well... no surprises there) he has had to move back to his parents house... which means he is at my house more often. and when i see him i am overcome with hatred and can't even say hello or look at him. FAAAAARK!!!
this is going to cause some upset in the house for sure.
after telling her that he didn't love her, she spent all this time hating herself for 'doing something wrong' and *causing* the end of the relationship. once he heard that she was kinda seeing someone else... he came back telling her that he thought he was falling for her again (they've still been sleeping together all this time)... so she ditches the other guy, only to be told that douche was getting together with the old housemate... breaking her heart again. and now since that didn't work out, he wants to give it another go...
she is unfortunately a bigger idiot than i ever imagined she could be
shit heads like him just don't change.
She's a shadow of the girl i met. now she doubts herself constantly and has zero self esteem. even little things that used to make her happy like her tattoos now seem to be a regret (all because he doesn't like them).
i have never wanted to punch someones face so much!!!
wish me luck at biting my tongue (not something i usually have a lot of control over usually)... my next blog may be a description of how i tell him to get the fuck out of my house!!!
my housemate is 'seeing how things go' with her douche ex-boyfriend. i literally want to vomit a little, every time i see him. sincerely, he reminds me of gollom. slimey little hunchback of a man who is very unattractive.
as much as i want J to be happy, i can't even bring myself to be even remotely civil to her little sack of shit.
how does this affect me really? well since he has had to leave the house he was living in (after hooking up with J's arch enemy who they all used to live with - wich didn't go well... no surprises there) he has had to move back to his parents house... which means he is at my house more often. and when i see him i am overcome with hatred and can't even say hello or look at him. FAAAAARK!!!
this is going to cause some upset in the house for sure.
after telling her that he didn't love her, she spent all this time hating herself for 'doing something wrong' and *causing* the end of the relationship. once he heard that she was kinda seeing someone else... he came back telling her that he thought he was falling for her again (they've still been sleeping together all this time)... so she ditches the other guy, only to be told that douche was getting together with the old housemate... breaking her heart again. and now since that didn't work out, he wants to give it another go...
she is unfortunately a bigger idiot than i ever imagined she could be

She's a shadow of the girl i met. now she doubts herself constantly and has zero self esteem. even little things that used to make her happy like her tattoos now seem to be a regret (all because he doesn't like them).
i have never wanted to punch someones face so much!!!
wish me luck at biting my tongue (not something i usually have a lot of control over usually)... my next blog may be a description of how i tell him to get the fuck out of my house!!!
Years ago my (then) best friend starting dating this dick. He was a compulsive liar, and a cheat. I told her, and she always brushed it off.
I stopped seeing her, stopped talking to her. We're friends on facebook and that's about it. I've wanted nothing to do with her, even after they broke up.
We had such an amazing friendship prior to that dickhead walking into her life.
She's now set to marry another man. I'm invited to her hens party which is this Saturday. I haven't seen her in years.
I feel sick in the stomach that I even agreed to go.