Some exciting news! I applied and got accepted into a Traditional Chinese medicine and remedial massage course... And i start in a weeks time! Excited and nervous at the same time! The assignment writing frightens me but learning new, interesting things will be great!
More good news! Andy is doing much better! He is just having a bit more time off work and band. So glad it was only anxiety and not a heart attack or a stroke!
My mum is visiting tomorrow. Really looking forward to hanging out with her in the morning. Haven't really spent any time with her since she and my dad got remarried on the 10th of November.
Have been hitting the gym with Andy again lately! I'm sore... But it's a good sore and I'm feelin great! I bought myself a new 'incentive bikini' yesterday. I've promised myself that I won't wear it till my birthday in January. It'll be a nice little gift to myself for workin hard at pole and the gym.
Anyways... It's bedtime. Sleep well and sweet dreams!
More good news! Andy is doing much better! He is just having a bit more time off work and band. So glad it was only anxiety and not a heart attack or a stroke!
My mum is visiting tomorrow. Really looking forward to hanging out with her in the morning. Haven't really spent any time with her since she and my dad got remarried on the 10th of November.
Have been hitting the gym with Andy again lately! I'm sore... But it's a good sore and I'm feelin great! I bought myself a new 'incentive bikini' yesterday. I've promised myself that I won't wear it till my birthday in January. It'll be a nice little gift to myself for workin hard at pole and the gym.
Anyways... It's bedtime. Sleep well and sweet dreams!