Feeling really down at the mo. Andy has has a short hospital stay due to chest pain. He is fine... Not his heart, but lots of tests to work out what's wrong and they still can't tell us. He has been visiting his folks on the coast for the past few days, to have some down time. I've hardly heard from him and when I tried to call I just got voicemail, then a text saying he couldn't talk right now. It's so unlike him to go this long without calling or sending a text. He was having more tests while away, and I still don't know the outcome. I'm really worried that something more serious is wrong and he is just not telling me
I also think he doesn't realise by not telling me what's going on, I only worry more. He is supposed to come home tomorrow and now I'm not even sure if that is happening.
Sorry for the blubbering. I just had to get it out.

Sorry for the blubbering. I just had to get it out.
Sounds like Andy's a bit like me. As soon as something gets hectic I go straight into my turtle shell. Don't over think, it won't be as bad as you're probably thinking.
Grrrrrrr men don't realise how much it makes us paranoid/concerned/worried when they don't keep in contact
In this case I'm sure it's just amplified because he is not well. I'm sure it's probably just because his mind is elsewhere, wondering what the hell is wrong with him?! *hugs*