i have a full belly. i've eaten a lot of pizza tonight.
my head is telling me to go to the gym... but my body is telling me to stay on the couch and watch another episode of Angel, season 4.
decisions, decisions...
this heat is getting ridiculous. i can't wait for cooler weather... because:
* i won't sweat my guts out going from the shower to my bedroom to get dressed.
* i get to wear cute beanies and keep my ears warm.
* snuggling will be so much more comfy
* scarves! (i'll have to finish the one i started last winter...)
* ooh! snuggles... without sweat!
* hot cups of tea.
* rainy sundays spent in cafe's sipping hot chocolate and people watching.
* overcast days sitting on the sand at a quiet beach.
* did i mention SNUGGLES?!!
well i'm not usually one to wish the summer away but seriously, the heat is starting to really get to me. could have something to do with not being able to get to a larger body of water than my shower.
pig is doing laps of her enclosure. she's hungry but the pet store was out of rats
i have to check back tomorrow. fingers crossed. i hate making her wait for food.
this blog is all over the place... but so is my head at the moment.
sleep well. g'nite.
i really wish i had a bathtub. the shower just isn't the same when you want a long soak. i think i'm going to fill andy's bathroom with lots of nice smelly bath things and a blow up cushion.
my head is telling me to go to the gym... but my body is telling me to stay on the couch and watch another episode of Angel, season 4.
decisions, decisions...
this heat is getting ridiculous. i can't wait for cooler weather... because:
* i won't sweat my guts out going from the shower to my bedroom to get dressed.
* i get to wear cute beanies and keep my ears warm.
* snuggling will be so much more comfy

* scarves! (i'll have to finish the one i started last winter...)
* ooh! snuggles... without sweat!
* hot cups of tea.
* rainy sundays spent in cafe's sipping hot chocolate and people watching.
* overcast days sitting on the sand at a quiet beach.
* did i mention SNUGGLES?!!
well i'm not usually one to wish the summer away but seriously, the heat is starting to really get to me. could have something to do with not being able to get to a larger body of water than my shower.
pig is doing laps of her enclosure. she's hungry but the pet store was out of rats

this blog is all over the place... but so is my head at the moment.
sleep well. g'nite.
i really wish i had a bathtub. the shower just isn't the same when you want a long soak. i think i'm going to fill andy's bathroom with lots of nice smelly bath things and a blow up cushion.
I would pick Angel over the Gym! Shit I used to love that show! I was obsessed with Angel and Buffy! Loved Angel though and had the hubba hubba hots for everyone on it!!!
The weather seems a little nicer today, despite it being all rainy! At least there is a cool breeze!