last night i went to the brisbanite hookup. we had a pretty good turnout
it was just a shame that not everyone could stay for very long (myself included). i had to start work at 9pm so i couldn't hang out for very long and i also worked thru the day so couldn't get there right on time
couldn't even have a drink with everyone!
i'm considering organising a sunday arvo picnic/bbq so that its easier for people to come along outside of regular work hours... plus a picnic/bbq makes for a relaxed setting. if you're interested in the idea and i've actually met you or you are in regular contact and are here in brisbane let me know and i'll get something sorted. i'll post in the sgau group too but i know some of you on here irl who aren't in sgau and i reckon it'd be nice if we could mingle a bit.
i have been so tired today!!! i had a few clients today then went to andy's and snuggled up to him on the couch and started falling asleep while he watched some football game... he ended up bring a matress out to the loungeroom and spooned me till i fell asleep... he was grumpy later that he fell asleep too and missed most of the game haha! i came home with the intention of getting ready to go to maxiebond's place for a few drinks and then to meet up with Aaronsrod after dinner but i fell asleep again. i haven't been feeling great since thursday. i was in a car accident (hit from behind) on thursday and have a mild case of whiplash. my head feels a bit stuffy but i expect that has something to do with the pain and antiflammatory meds i've been taking. anyways i think i'm going to try and get some more sleep... i don't have to set my alarm so hopefully i can get a few good hours in!
g'nite. zn.xx

i'm considering organising a sunday arvo picnic/bbq so that its easier for people to come along outside of regular work hours... plus a picnic/bbq makes for a relaxed setting. if you're interested in the idea and i've actually met you or you are in regular contact and are here in brisbane let me know and i'll get something sorted. i'll post in the sgau group too but i know some of you on here irl who aren't in sgau and i reckon it'd be nice if we could mingle a bit.
i have been so tired today!!! i had a few clients today then went to andy's and snuggled up to him on the couch and started falling asleep while he watched some football game... he ended up bring a matress out to the loungeroom and spooned me till i fell asleep... he was grumpy later that he fell asleep too and missed most of the game haha! i came home with the intention of getting ready to go to maxiebond's place for a few drinks and then to meet up with Aaronsrod after dinner but i fell asleep again. i haven't been feeling great since thursday. i was in a car accident (hit from behind) on thursday and have a mild case of whiplash. my head feels a bit stuffy but i expect that has something to do with the pain and antiflammatory meds i've been taking. anyways i think i'm going to try and get some more sleep... i don't have to set my alarm so hopefully i can get a few good hours in!
g'nite. zn.xx
Would be good to catch up in a more casual sense, sometimes formal hookups can feel a bit awkward