Some motherfucker tried to break into my house lastnight. I had just started to drift off to sleep and was woken to the sound of someone trying to open the front door, then the kitchen door on the balcony, then the door that leads to my bedroom which also comes off the balcony. I thought it was my housemate chris, who frequently forgets his house keys, but when I called out, there was a thud, then whoever it was took off down the stairs. It freaked me out big time. Luckily Andy had just finished playing a gig and came over to be my knight in shining armour. I found one of the large pavers from our garden on the chair on the balcony this morning. I can't fucking wait to move from this shitty house with all the shitty clubs around the corner and their shitty patrons who get trashed and try to break into my house. Motherfuckers. Now I don't feel safe being home alone
I've hardly slept a wink and now I'm on my way to work to cut hair all day with no backup help. Keep your fingers crossed for me that nobody loses an ear today.
Love but no kisses,

Love but no kisses,
Yeah, I'd love to come to one
I had planned to go to the Friday night one, but we had to be in Brisbane on Saturday and Sunday, so there was a bit too much driving and stuff going on this weekend 

Another time for sure