i rediscovered my camera... lately i haven't wanted to cart it around with me, so most of my pics have been taken on my iphone... but i think i'll be taking it with me most places again for a while...
Bark! looking like a little piglet
a painting from around easter time
MissMinda's awesome impression of Bret Michaels... and her love of vag thanks to crimsonpetals
crimsonpetals and minda's fine artistic ability - peen!
those last two were taken at BrokenPixel's house warming party. we had shots of Bacchus from Grace's ears... tho i'm pretty sure thats minda fellating her not shotting.
another day off work tomorrow while my allergy settles... mostly so i don't scare my clients. i have mountains of washing to do, so i guess it will be productive. but i'll be super poor next week. what is with this year? i never get sick and now this! never mind tho... i'm on the mend
sleep well when you get there and naughty dreams cos they are the most fun
love zn.xx
Lockeblade: this is for you, as promised earlier today. !warning! its not me at my best.
You said vag lol
Wow, thats alot worse than I imagined!!! Is it any better now?!! Shit timing hey lol Though you don't need me telling you that haha