so i found out why i've been sick. i have an ulcer and it sucks. no alchol or spicy food or caffine. that's everything in my diet. i wish i t would stop raining around here i want to go walk my dogs and my self. rain is depressing i'd rather it be cold than rain. skull
you should come to Punk Nite Prom in dayton on saturday, its gonna rule!

i am f-ing sick again. this time it's food poisoning. i hate feeling like shit all the time. well maybe it will help me loose more weight cuz now i'm afraid to eat. puke
i hope you feel better! i had food poisoning once and it was not fun.
well today is goin to be fun it is easter. i have to go be fake happy to our familys at there homes. i find it funny that no one in our immidate familys goes to church or speaks of there religon. but yet they have a huge dinner, hunt eggs, tell there children of an easter bunny and wear pastels on easter sunday every...
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the free food rules...cause i do like to eat.
Tonight is national drinking night for me cuz i am irish red hair, plae skin and blue eyes thats me and i started drinking at 12 today. puke
well hummm. i found out today that my franchise owner wants me to co manange to store for him. money.money.money. but i will never be home that sucks.... i love doing hair. i wish i could do it from home and still make 500 to 700 a week.. i need a haircut 2. i hope sumone can cut it for me tomorrow at work.. whatever
i feel like shit today. i think i have that damn flu thats going around. i am off tomorrow hopefully i'll feel better. puke
you should come to the dayton area and hang out with us sometime!

ya going to see The Casualties april 26th in cincy?
oh yeah i've seen the casualties 7 times and hung out with them once. i'm not going to smitty's went there once and had a horrible time. we are freinds with legbone and the reanimated though. so i may have to go.
well i've been at home for 4 days now because i had my wisdom teeth cut out. its driving me nuts not eating anyting but liquids and soft old people food. only one of freinds came and visited me. everyone lazy that i know they think sleeping is cool and they let it take up their days... puke
Life is so uncertain and you cant preidict it or over look it. I found out my father n law has no chance to live today if he dosent start chemo for his lukemia he was diagnosed last week. He choose to start it and they did immediatley. hopefully for everyones sake he can beat the cancer..... I'm am so having my wisdom teeth cut...
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What a great sunday nite. my love took me to a cabin in the woods where we locked our selves in all nite and snacked, watched movies , porn, and chilled in the hot-tub. Oh yeah and drank margaritas and had crazy fetish fantasy. Thats Hot... love
i had a great valentines day. it was very romantic. i love my husband so much. love love
thank you sweetie! kiss