Well well, my birthday is tomorrow...big 28!! I have my mom watching Violet, and I've got reservations to an amazing Steak place, and a lil bit of money to go to the mall. I'm excited!! I finally get to hobble out of this house! Spent yesterday at the mall buying a new dress for tomorrow, and ended up buying a shit load of things, but ya'll know me, I love to shop!
I needed new jeans, however, I should have waited because as soon as I'm unbroken I'm going to start the Insanity workout. Oh well, new jeans for now! I'm feeling better, although my foot looks like hell. Here's some pictures from yesterday, I warn you I have zero makeup on, and I hate taking pictures with zero makeup!

my Betsey Johnson dress I got to wear to Lady Gaga...it's actually teal

Incase you're wondering Violet was making me laugh!

I got this amazing cupcake hat that mini me stole from me and put on

I heart me some Viva kisses!!!

see no makeup

too cute!
I love callmeKAT...check her out!!!
My kid totally stole that webkins she's holding and I had no idea until I turned around five minutes down the street lmfao ....OOOOOPPPPPSSS

since mommy had "pretty" sunglasses, I had to get Violet some, and what better than Hello Kitty sunglasses?! If they made these in my size I'd totally sport them!

As I wait for my hair to grow back out( and don't get me wrong, I love it short) I've been faux hawking it quite a bit lately.

That's all for now, but in 24 hours it my FREAKING birthday!!!! YAY!

my Betsey Johnson dress I got to wear to Lady Gaga...it's actually teal

Incase you're wondering Violet was making me laugh!

I got this amazing cupcake hat that mini me stole from me and put on

I heart me some Viva kisses!!!

see no makeup

too cute!
I love callmeKAT...check her out!!!
My kid totally stole that webkins she's holding and I had no idea until I turned around five minutes down the street lmfao ....OOOOOPPPPPSSS

since mommy had "pretty" sunglasses, I had to get Violet some, and what better than Hello Kitty sunglasses?! If they made these in my size I'd totally sport them!

As I wait for my hair to grow back out( and don't get me wrong, I love it short) I've been faux hawking it quite a bit lately.

That's all for now, but in 24 hours it my FREAKING birthday!!!! YAY!

No, you don't.
Happy birthday!