Warning graphic pictures below
So I'm in the most pain of my life

They DON'T give you pain meds for this shit either, so if anyone would like to bring me pain relief and flowers or something, that would make me the happiest girl alive right now. I can't even walk!
Here's us in the ER waiting

And doofuses taking pics of me sleeping because I feel so bad

I'm not a pretty sleeper lol

and so you don't have such a gory picture left in your head, here's me:

and I was serious about surprises, pain relief, and visits!!!
I just watched "Orphan" and it made me want him(however he does remind me of somebody I adore)

SOmeone come visit so I don't cry all night
So I'm in the most pain of my life

They DON'T give you pain meds for this shit either, so if anyone would like to bring me pain relief and flowers or something, that would make me the happiest girl alive right now. I can't even walk!
Here's us in the ER waiting

And doofuses taking pics of me sleeping because I feel so bad

I'm not a pretty sleeper lol

and so you don't have such a gory picture left in your head, here's me:

and I was serious about surprises, pain relief, and visits!!!
I just watched "Orphan" and it made me want him(however he does remind me of somebody I adore)

OMG what happened? xxx

I won't my dear! I am in TN for about another 2 weeks so there is still time - just getting my schedule figured out and seeing when I can come to you.. I'll be in touch soon. xoxo