So, the good news is, I went to the doctor today, and I don't have to have surgery(as of now), a lil medicine to break up the stone, and Ta Da, it should pass. The bad news is, I scheduled Violet's heart surgery for Feb 1. I took her out today and bought her some "Twinkle Toes." The light up shoes by Sketchers. They are so F-ing cute! here she is in the store showing off:
I FINALLY finished my Christmas shopping today! Ugh, that was a chore!
While I was out I did some panty shopping.
I can't listen to Margot & the Nuclear So and Sos without thinking of wonderful things!
Besides spending most of the day at the doctor and at the pharmacy, I spent two hours in bed cuddling. Then my kid popped me in the face with my cell phone. I think I did an okay job of covering the bruise, haha

I FINALLY finished my Christmas shopping today! Ugh, that was a chore!
While I was out I did some panty shopping.

I can't listen to Margot & the Nuclear So and Sos without thinking of wonderful things!
Besides spending most of the day at the doctor and at the pharmacy, I spent two hours in bed cuddling. Then my kid popped me in the face with my cell phone. I think I did an okay job of covering the bruise, haha




Glad to hear the news about you, sad about Vi. I hope all goes well. I hope you girls have a great Christmas. I will be thinks about you both. I'm always here if you need me.
glad to hear you aren't going to need to be cut. as always, thinking about violet.