Why are some so afraid to show their feelings? Or maybe they just DON'T feel at all. Who knows.Do you have a plan? Am I the only one missing out? Don't scold me for being sweet.

Or maybe I'm too sour:

So I'm supposed to be resting, yet I've cleaned the entire place, made Chex Mix, and read what seems like 100 children's books, and watched Tom & Jerry's Christmas twice, and Spongebob's Christmas once. I also finished a painting and did some online Christmas shopping.
I got some holiday flowers:

Princess Vi made goofy faces at me:

and here is my delish Chex Mix:

Now it's time for bubbles and hot tea. And then fleece and gummi bears and a movie.
I almost forgot..I layed in a toddler crib for an hour, by request. Too freaking cute!

Why are some so afraid to show their feelings? Or maybe they just DON'T feel at all. Who knows.Do you have a plan? Am I the only one missing out? Don't scold me for being sweet.

Or maybe I'm too sour:

So I'm supposed to be resting, yet I've cleaned the entire place, made Chex Mix, and read what seems like 100 children's books, and watched Tom & Jerry's Christmas twice, and Spongebob's Christmas once. I also finished a painting and did some online Christmas shopping.
I got some holiday flowers:

Princess Vi made goofy faces at me:

and here is my delish Chex Mix:

Now it's time for bubbles and hot tea. And then fleece and gummi bears and a movie.

I almost forgot..I layed in a toddler crib for an hour, by request. Too freaking cute!


I guess its better to be "over it" than "under it."