YAY the house is clean! Nothing feels better than having a nice clean house! Well I suppose there are nicer feeling things, but you know what I mean. Spent the day being lazy, and then got this rush and decided to clean the house. Now it's back to being semi-lazy again. It's nice and cool outside, so I decided to bring the laptop out to the porch with a cup of hot chocolate and relax. Something I don't do enough of. I was super excited because I had bought a caramel apple and went to eat it, and the damn thing was rotten and fell off the stick onto the floor. I guess that was a sign, because I didn't bite into it, thank golly. Made me sad. I LOVE me some caramel apples.
Fall is so beautiful! I love the chilly air, and all of the festive stuff, like Halloween and Thanksgiving. Haunted houses and apple cider, candy corn, treat or treating, and dressing up. My first Halloween being diabetic. No fun! No sugar free candy please! Lots of scary movies though! I miss the good ole days when they used to make actual good scary movies, and not all of these PG 13 ones that are a waste of time. Maybe it's just me.
Anyways I hope everyone is having a wonderful week! I know I've got a smile on my face, even though I have a bum ankle, I'm still a happy lady! xoxo

Fall is so beautiful! I love the chilly air, and all of the festive stuff, like Halloween and Thanksgiving. Haunted houses and apple cider, candy corn, treat or treating, and dressing up. My first Halloween being diabetic. No fun! No sugar free candy please! Lots of scary movies though! I miss the good ole days when they used to make actual good scary movies, and not all of these PG 13 ones that are a waste of time. Maybe it's just me.
Anyways I hope everyone is having a wonderful week! I know I've got a smile on my face, even though I have a bum ankle, I'm still a happy lady! xoxo

I'm getting a little OCD when it comes to .. things being in their spots.