Diabetes is a funny thing(and by funny I don't mean funny haha). I got low blood sugar and took a spill down the stairs like a graceful giraffe. Thankfully I only hurt a few things.
Exhibit A

It's amazing how the karma police police are out to get me haha

I'll keep the bloody leg pics to myself.
In other news, baby it's cold outside!

I found this amazing Swiss Miss Hot Chocolate with multi colored marshmallows in it. I can't wait for my wounded ass to hobble out into the kitchen and make myself some, unless someone wants to come take care of that for me.I do believe it's a zombie movie night, and if I feel up to it, I'm going to make some cupcakes. Yummy Halloween cupcakes. It's so funny that I love cupcake themed things, because I rarely allow myself to have them. So much sugar and fat. My friends make fun of me when we're out somewhere and I'm buying cupcake goodies, but I never eat them. Sometimes it's just easier to go without the sugar, so an insulin shot isn't involved. Don't get me wrong, shots don't bother me in the least, they're just a pain in the ass(literally).
I'm not posting a song of the day, out of sheer laziness. I have that right! I will just pick a song: Hmmmm I pick: " Slow Hands" by Interpol.

I saw the cutest thing earlier. Made me smile a little. It was a little old couple(prob mid 70s) walking together holding hands. They were walking hand in hand looking like they were still in love. How great is that?! To still be in love at that age. To grow old together. To know that that person looks at you as if you were king or queen of the world. Total sweetness

Ever had one of those days where you feel ugly? Well I've felt that way for the last two days. Usually putting makeup on and something cute helps that, but it just doesn't seem to be working for me.

hope the week has started well for everyone else! xo

Did I mention how much I adore my hot pink Uggs?!

Exhibit A

It's amazing how the karma police police are out to get me haha

I'll keep the bloody leg pics to myself.
In other news, baby it's cold outside!

I found this amazing Swiss Miss Hot Chocolate with multi colored marshmallows in it. I can't wait for my wounded ass to hobble out into the kitchen and make myself some, unless someone wants to come take care of that for me.I do believe it's a zombie movie night, and if I feel up to it, I'm going to make some cupcakes. Yummy Halloween cupcakes. It's so funny that I love cupcake themed things, because I rarely allow myself to have them. So much sugar and fat. My friends make fun of me when we're out somewhere and I'm buying cupcake goodies, but I never eat them. Sometimes it's just easier to go without the sugar, so an insulin shot isn't involved. Don't get me wrong, shots don't bother me in the least, they're just a pain in the ass(literally).
I'm not posting a song of the day, out of sheer laziness. I have that right! I will just pick a song: Hmmmm I pick: " Slow Hands" by Interpol.

I saw the cutest thing earlier. Made me smile a little. It was a little old couple(prob mid 70s) walking together holding hands. They were walking hand in hand looking like they were still in love. How great is that?! To still be in love at that age. To grow old together. To know that that person looks at you as if you were king or queen of the world. Total sweetness

Ever had one of those days where you feel ugly? Well I've felt that way for the last two days. Usually putting makeup on and something cute helps that, but it just doesn't seem to be working for me.

hope the week has started well for everyone else! xo

Did I mention how much I adore my hot pink Uggs?!

It will be my second time to Cali, first time I went for spring break 9 years ago, so it will be nice to get back there for a couple days, even if I don't do all that much.
It's good of you to share your candies, don't snatch em back to fast.