Wow, I completely forgot I even had a SuicideGirls account. I've recently moved to New Jersey. Virginia was nice, but I never really fit in there. So here I am, just a bit closer to NYC. Ultimately, this is where I will end up. I already miss the VA/DC/MD SuicideGirls community and all the awesome parties we went to. Make sure to keep in touch, you guys!!! Well, new place, new town, new life. Let's get involved in the new local community. I look forward to meeting all you awesome Tri-State SG peepz. On to life updates!
What a weeeeeek. Lots of craziness, lots of personal growth. Last week, went to another Shael Riley show. Had a late start but I was still surprised when the bouncer told me I'd missed Shael's set.
No worries, we got burritos later.
I did, however, get there in time for Schaffer the Dark Lord. That guy sure is somethin'. I kinda' dig that "Gangsta' version of the dad from Morel Orel" vibe he's got on stage... only angrier. This might actually warrent a super-villain team up in the future. Perhaps we'll build an empire. More on this later.
Spent the night at Shael's. I was planning on going home the following day but due to some randomly unforseen events, I ended up staying for two more days. Which meant I got to stay for Shael's party. Bonus. Everyone was there. The Henrys, The Bed Stuy crew, Schaffer's trusted liutenants, and a cavalcade of laughs. There was much drinking. Full frontal nudity. Mega Man 9. Back pain. Swedish meatballs. And Shael turned into a polar bear.
Schaffer and Shael are really encouraging. I've started writing essays I plan on turning into songs. Every now and then I'll get some neato ideas I'll jot down. I don't know the first thing about the song writing process, but I know what I'm into. I figure I'll see what I can do on my own and see what happens. I've got talented friends who'll offer advice and make sure I don't fuck up too bad, aha ha ha ha ha! Whatever, I'm gonna' be a legend.
I've been drawing a lot too. Mostly alone and in my sketchbook, but I think I may work better that way. I haven't scanned or photoshopped anything or updated my DA account yet for a few reasons. Mostly, it's just inconvenient right now. My room is tiny, my laptop is a wreck, my scanner's in another room, I don't own a printer, and most annoyingly, I don't own a tablet. I'm the kinda' guy who can't get into it if I have to MacGuyver the situation to get work done. So I'm doin' stuff behind the scenes for now, you'll get to see 'em when I either have something of substance to show, you catch me in person, or I get a tablet, new laptop, and a spot for my scanner.
Sunday, Ricky Henry and his peoples wanted to shoot a few scenes for the opening of his new movie. Because I was around and he's such a rad dude, he wrote me into a scene where I get to do a freestyle rap while Devon Riley beatboxes. I don't think I'm much of a freestyler, honestly. But there were a few amusing takes. He thought it was a good idea if we came up with character names. Devon was "Rocko" and I was "MC Lazarus". Mr. Henry also started an online t-shirt company and wants me to submit some designs. Gotta' get on that.
In other news, riding this bike has made my calves swell up into petrified ostrich eggs. I'm in the best shape I've been in since high school. Now if only I could give up UTZ baked cheese balls. I'm just kiddin', baby. I could never leave you. You're made with real cheese.
This pretty much rules.
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="" width="480" height="360" ><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"/><param name="wmode" value="transparent"/><param name="AllowScriptAccess" value="true"/><param name="movie" quality="best" value=""/><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="480" height="360" allowScriptAccess="always"></embed></object><div style="padding:5px 0; text-align:center; width:480px;">See more <a href="">funny videos</a> and <a href="">funny pictures</a> at <a href="">CollegeHumor</a>.</div>
What a weeeeeek. Lots of craziness, lots of personal growth. Last week, went to another Shael Riley show. Had a late start but I was still surprised when the bouncer told me I'd missed Shael's set.
No worries, we got burritos later.
I did, however, get there in time for Schaffer the Dark Lord. That guy sure is somethin'. I kinda' dig that "Gangsta' version of the dad from Morel Orel" vibe he's got on stage... only angrier. This might actually warrent a super-villain team up in the future. Perhaps we'll build an empire. More on this later.
Spent the night at Shael's. I was planning on going home the following day but due to some randomly unforseen events, I ended up staying for two more days. Which meant I got to stay for Shael's party. Bonus. Everyone was there. The Henrys, The Bed Stuy crew, Schaffer's trusted liutenants, and a cavalcade of laughs. There was much drinking. Full frontal nudity. Mega Man 9. Back pain. Swedish meatballs. And Shael turned into a polar bear.
Schaffer and Shael are really encouraging. I've started writing essays I plan on turning into songs. Every now and then I'll get some neato ideas I'll jot down. I don't know the first thing about the song writing process, but I know what I'm into. I figure I'll see what I can do on my own and see what happens. I've got talented friends who'll offer advice and make sure I don't fuck up too bad, aha ha ha ha ha! Whatever, I'm gonna' be a legend.
I've been drawing a lot too. Mostly alone and in my sketchbook, but I think I may work better that way. I haven't scanned or photoshopped anything or updated my DA account yet for a few reasons. Mostly, it's just inconvenient right now. My room is tiny, my laptop is a wreck, my scanner's in another room, I don't own a printer, and most annoyingly, I don't own a tablet. I'm the kinda' guy who can't get into it if I have to MacGuyver the situation to get work done. So I'm doin' stuff behind the scenes for now, you'll get to see 'em when I either have something of substance to show, you catch me in person, or I get a tablet, new laptop, and a spot for my scanner.
Sunday, Ricky Henry and his peoples wanted to shoot a few scenes for the opening of his new movie. Because I was around and he's such a rad dude, he wrote me into a scene where I get to do a freestyle rap while Devon Riley beatboxes. I don't think I'm much of a freestyler, honestly. But there were a few amusing takes. He thought it was a good idea if we came up with character names. Devon was "Rocko" and I was "MC Lazarus". Mr. Henry also started an online t-shirt company and wants me to submit some designs. Gotta' get on that.
In other news, riding this bike has made my calves swell up into petrified ostrich eggs. I'm in the best shape I've been in since high school. Now if only I could give up UTZ baked cheese balls. I'm just kiddin', baby. I could never leave you. You're made with real cheese.
This pretty much rules.
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="" width="480" height="360" ><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"/><param name="wmode" value="transparent"/><param name="AllowScriptAccess" value="true"/><param name="movie" quality="best" value=""/><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="480" height="360" allowScriptAccess="always"></embed></object><div style="padding:5px 0; text-align:center; width:480px;">See more <a href="">funny videos</a> and <a href="">funny pictures</a> at <a href="">CollegeHumor</a>.</div>
I look forward to seeing your new arts, dood.