being poor sucks...
i was in an artsy mood today, but im running low on supplies and couldn't afford anything, so all i ended up doing was watching amityville dollhouse and playing some games.
but before that i was thinking about a mural a friend and i painted a few years ago, that got me wanting to paint something. of course i no longer have any paint...or anything to put it on, maybe next week...
the only other thing that i did this weekend was do a little early spring cleaning...i'll tell ya, this is one exciting life i'm living.
i was in an artsy mood today, but im running low on supplies and couldn't afford anything, so all i ended up doing was watching amityville dollhouse and playing some games.
but before that i was thinking about a mural a friend and i painted a few years ago, that got me wanting to paint something. of course i no longer have any paint...or anything to put it on, maybe next week...
the only other thing that i did this weekend was do a little early spring cleaning...i'll tell ya, this is one exciting life i'm living.

Go renaissance! Grind up stones you find outside, mix them with linseed oil, and paint on found wood. It could be very interesting...