random things from recent times...
music right now: tool, undertow cd
reading: just finished reading purgatorio, and am about to start paradiso...the last book in dantes divine comedy.
last good movie: harry potter 3, saw it at the two dollar theater instead of renting it.
next movie to see: probably alexander, ive always liked the story of alexander the great and hopefully the movie will do it justice.
last good concert: kmfdm, first time ive seen them. very cool.
next concert: cradle of filth...one of the few bands that actually sounds better live than on cd
recent addiction: french vanilla cappuccino, and burger kings rodeo burgers
current games: legacy of kain: defiance ,and max pain 2
found: i found a copy of an edgar allan poe book from 1904 with the purloined letter, rue morgue and a few others in it while i was digging through my moms old book boxes
bought: a new car. of course i cant afford it...but its a lot of fun...
bought: a camera. i havent had a real camera for quite some time...i used to be all into photography but i kind of fell away from it. now im going to start taking pictures again...
project: i was going through some of my old story ideas, and found a couple that i want to start working on again. one is about vampires(oooh scary..) and the other is a little strange...kind of like lovecraft meets spawn...but thats all im going to say for now...
project: making music...but having some problems, my guitar is messed up, my bass has no strings, good beats are hard to make on the program i have. and im being lazy. so far i have two good songs and many in the works...mostly electronic stuff, at least until my guitars are in working condition.
project: painting...
other stuff: ive been studying french for awhile, and somehow i managed to lose the book ive been studying out of and the start up disk for the program i use, im not sure how i could lose both at the same time but i did. so until i find one of those i think ill play around with italian or portuguese for awhile.
i cant think of anything else to write....
music right now: tool, undertow cd
reading: just finished reading purgatorio, and am about to start paradiso...the last book in dantes divine comedy.
last good movie: harry potter 3, saw it at the two dollar theater instead of renting it.
next movie to see: probably alexander, ive always liked the story of alexander the great and hopefully the movie will do it justice.
last good concert: kmfdm, first time ive seen them. very cool.
next concert: cradle of filth...one of the few bands that actually sounds better live than on cd
recent addiction: french vanilla cappuccino, and burger kings rodeo burgers
current games: legacy of kain: defiance ,and max pain 2
found: i found a copy of an edgar allan poe book from 1904 with the purloined letter, rue morgue and a few others in it while i was digging through my moms old book boxes
bought: a new car. of course i cant afford it...but its a lot of fun...
bought: a camera. i havent had a real camera for quite some time...i used to be all into photography but i kind of fell away from it. now im going to start taking pictures again...
project: i was going through some of my old story ideas, and found a couple that i want to start working on again. one is about vampires(oooh scary..) and the other is a little strange...kind of like lovecraft meets spawn...but thats all im going to say for now...
project: making music...but having some problems, my guitar is messed up, my bass has no strings, good beats are hard to make on the program i have. and im being lazy. so far i have two good songs and many in the works...mostly electronic stuff, at least until my guitars are in working condition.
project: painting...
other stuff: ive been studying french for awhile, and somehow i managed to lose the book ive been studying out of and the start up disk for the program i use, im not sure how i could lose both at the same time but i did. so until i find one of those i think ill play around with italian or portuguese for awhile.
i cant think of anything else to write....

it's ok... no one knows whats going on. thank you for the kind words in my journal though ♥
ahhh they're so good!!
I've been a loyal fan since the first one, years ago. You should give them a try