i have been procrastinating again...
i should have updated this awhile ago...
recent things:
so even when my internet was on and supposed to be working it wasnt...it kept cutting out. two different cable guys came over a couple of times without being able to figure out what the problem was, finally a third one came over and discovered the problem...someone had cut into the line leading up to my apartment and spliced their own wire into it, giving themselves free cable. however they didnt do a very good job connecting the wires together, they were loose especially the one leading up to me. the cable guy guessed that when the wind moved the wire my cable would go out and when the wind stopped the wire would settle down and the connection was restored...they went and spoke to the building management about it, but im not sure what came of that. all i know is that my cable and internet are working fine now...finally...
things like this seem to happen all the time...
i decided to take this week off from work...not quite a vacation since i never really planned on going anywhere, but just some time away from there...sanity time...but of course up to today i have been really sick...a rarity for me...and i havent felt well enough to do much of anything...at least it has given me a chance to catch up on some reading...right now im near the end of The Wounded Land by stephen r. donaldson, its the first book in the second trilogy of a series. the story is similar to the lotr books, so if your into those i recommend this series.
i also have been watching a ton of movies everything from the wizard of oz to the original psycho. it was actually the first time that ive seen psycho...it wasnt bad but im not sure i would say it was good. still, im surprised that i never watched it before since its so much like all the other old-school horror movies that i watch and collect...
i was just thinking...now that i am feeling better maybe i should go somewhere for the last few days that im off of work...maybe up to duluth. maybe past that up to my familys cabin by lake superior, i could watch the last of the leafs fall. or maybe ill just go for a drive for a few days stopping anywhere that interests me...i do that sometimes...i dont know, maybe i wont go anywhere, but getting out of the apartment for a few days would be good...
(edit) one last thing...ive had an account on myspace for awhile, but i have only just started using it. im at http://www.myspace.com/_xom_ is anyone else on there?
i should have updated this awhile ago...
recent things:
so even when my internet was on and supposed to be working it wasnt...it kept cutting out. two different cable guys came over a couple of times without being able to figure out what the problem was, finally a third one came over and discovered the problem...someone had cut into the line leading up to my apartment and spliced their own wire into it, giving themselves free cable. however they didnt do a very good job connecting the wires together, they were loose especially the one leading up to me. the cable guy guessed that when the wind moved the wire my cable would go out and when the wind stopped the wire would settle down and the connection was restored...they went and spoke to the building management about it, but im not sure what came of that. all i know is that my cable and internet are working fine now...finally...
things like this seem to happen all the time...
i decided to take this week off from work...not quite a vacation since i never really planned on going anywhere, but just some time away from there...sanity time...but of course up to today i have been really sick...a rarity for me...and i havent felt well enough to do much of anything...at least it has given me a chance to catch up on some reading...right now im near the end of The Wounded Land by stephen r. donaldson, its the first book in the second trilogy of a series. the story is similar to the lotr books, so if your into those i recommend this series.
i also have been watching a ton of movies everything from the wizard of oz to the original psycho. it was actually the first time that ive seen psycho...it wasnt bad but im not sure i would say it was good. still, im surprised that i never watched it before since its so much like all the other old-school horror movies that i watch and collect...
i was just thinking...now that i am feeling better maybe i should go somewhere for the last few days that im off of work...maybe up to duluth. maybe past that up to my familys cabin by lake superior, i could watch the last of the leafs fall. or maybe ill just go for a drive for a few days stopping anywhere that interests me...i do that sometimes...i dont know, maybe i wont go anywhere, but getting out of the apartment for a few days would be good...
(edit) one last thing...ive had an account on myspace for awhile, but i have only just started using it. im at http://www.myspace.com/_xom_ is anyone else on there?

Shes not bad.
I generally like not as much hair down there though.