Sooooo... if I understood all that correctly, then cartoons, pokemon / pocket monsters / demons are trying to turn the children they are with (which are cartoons) into savages that are trying be the master of the pokemon / pocket monsters / demons and into worshippers of satan?
And that having an imagination is going to send you to hell? I'm going to burn for eternity.
"Russian Roulette is just a game" stumbled across your blog, the video of that jack ass is pretty amusing, as a gamer I take alot of heat from people who do not understand that the majority can separate reality from fantasy. I run a dungeons and dragons game at work during breaks and most of my co workers snicker or joke about it. My usual response is what do you do in your spare time? Anyway, good stuff, would like to read more and the Pokemon I would be would be Hitmonchan since I used to box.
And that having an imagination is going to send you to hell? I'm going to burn for eternity.