Well.. today is my last day home, and it's come to an end... It was definitely an interesting one, it started off with me waking up with my best friend and her boyfriend in my bed... Then I visited my brother with my dad.. And again said goodbye to my father, which for the thousandth time was hard, even more so now that he's in a hospital bed. Then had a few drinks with my friend Bryant and met up with the couple mentioned above at the movies.. Then some of my closest friends came over tonight to enjoy one last night doing what we always do, we had fun, and it was wonderful... Granted things got a little crazy and now I'm confused and heartbroken. I'm so thankful for my friends, and I'm going to miss them so very much I have no way to describe it in words. I know they worry about me and whatnot.. probably for good reason because they know me so well and have seen my reckless moments but I'm glad that through everything they stick through it and give me perspective in my life.... I just have to remember not to fuck this up. Stick to my guns and this will be a wonderful ride with many fond memories to come over the future years.
I'm lucky and I couldn't ever ask for more... Even if this is one of the most excrutiating feelings in my heart
I'm lucky and I couldn't ever ask for more... Even if this is one of the most excrutiating feelings in my heart