This is not spam or etc, just to clarify and all that jazz.
I created this Go Fund Me account because I wish to help someone very close to me that I care for deeply, if you read the Go Fund Me message you'll see that I'm trying to raise $5,000 to help this family while they are going through a rough time, the Granddaughter of a lady I work with has T Cell Lymphoma Cancer, it's very close to her airway and any time she gets excited it stops her breathing. While the medical/hospital bills are being paid due to health insurance the family has to drive 2 hours 1 way just to receive the proper care needed, and you can understand how this can cause a huge financial toll considering time off work, gas money, and etc. I hope that you can all find it in your hearts to donate towards this cause and help this family, thanks to anyone who helps. :)
Anyone willing to donate towards this I will give free computer repair to. Just PM me and let me know that you've donated and let me know what kind of issue you're having with your computer so I can help.