once again I am in production potter mode. I wish the stuff that I love to make would sell so I didn't have to make the boring things.
farmer's market on Thursday.
also, my house is turning beautiful. yesterday, I wanted my mom to come over so I could show it off.
I'm getting the garden ready for winter settling into a nice routine. Palmer is lonely, though. I'm trying to convince the beau that we should get a puppy, but he has all these pragmatic reasons why we shouldn't. silly person.
but seriously? how could you say no?

farmer's market on Thursday.
also, my house is turning beautiful. yesterday, I wanted my mom to come over so I could show it off.

I'm getting the garden ready for winter settling into a nice routine. Palmer is lonely, though. I'm trying to convince the beau that we should get a puppy, but he has all these pragmatic reasons why we shouldn't. silly person.
but seriously? how could you say no?

That is a lovely abode indeed.
That puppy is begging to be taken home! Sooo cute!