Smoking is no! And its hard to get a f buddy. Unless you just want a few one night stands. But that always made me feel icky afterward. Being a girl can suck sometimes. Yeah, we can get laid when we want to, but at what cost? Damn double edged knife. I've only have one f buddy, ever. It rocked. But it took a long time to get to that point. You just gotta be up front about it. And make sure you keep your emotions in check. That's the tricky part right there. Finding a guy you like enough to sleep with, but not too much that you want a relationship with them.....and never, I mean NEVER talk about other people with them. Even if you don't want a relationship with them, the jealousy can creep up on you if you hear they are dating someone else. Not to mention the feeling of grossness and not being safe.
I think "If she smokes, she loves the pokes" is more appropriate.