Today was pretty rad, I went shopping with some of the fam, plus Seth, and it was fun. We traded in some old CDs, for possibly older, but more enjoyable CDs. I got Silver Chair - Freakshow, and the Clash - Combat Rock.
I can't wait to give those a good listening to. biggrin
Then we were roaming downtown Nanaimo and I discovered a new shop...
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the clash is always good.

waves hi

havn't seen you on the site before thought id say hi.
Lastnight, I watched A History of Violence.... first off, really wierd movie and just.... too much visuals with the sex. It was kinda embarassing really...
So at one point in the movie, his wife is uber pissed off at him because he's not who he says he is adn they end up fighting, while she's trying to go up the stairs. Lots of slapping and...
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people fuck for all sorts of reasons
That's the best type of sex, ruff fight-club style sex. Haha. wink
Lately I've really been getting into Rammstein.
Then, it kinda spun off into me reallly wanting to learn German.
I found the best site ever, where this guy translates all the lyrics and has links to stories and poems that some of the songs were inspired by. So I've been reading along with the songs, and it really helps you to get to know the...
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I've heard asian languages are very hard to learn, but you probably know more about that than me since you've taken a course in it. I'm trying to learn german as well, but since I'm out of college, I don't have much time to sit down and learn a new language.

Yeah, rammstein is a good band. It's awesome that their music is still as great as when it first came out, it hasn't aged and faded away like a lot of music... well, later. biggrin
*sigh* When there's no boy fun to be had, it's very boring.
In better news, I finished my nurse dress today^_^!
It's quite exciting.
I still need to make my awesome cool pants still... more work.
My Ryan left thismorning for Edmonton to work and save up some money so that we can go to the Okanagan this summer to pick fruit.
He wants to buy a vehicle so we can go there in luxury... to some extent. This really just means that we won't have to hitch hike, which I reallly don't wanna do.

I've been really quite sad the...
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So pretty sure getting sick right when spring break starts sucks alot.
I was supposed to go visit my bff in Victoria, but she got super ill and then accidentally gave it to me when she came here for 2 days... Bah!
I hope I haven't passed it on to anyone else. puke
But Ryan's been soo awesome lately.
He has to quit smoking biggrin yay.
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So this whole week I haven't seen Ryan... Curses to us being busy... I've gotten to do some work experience at Shoppers in the photo lab, so that's pretty awesome, however it has made me way to busy to see him... It's pretty much crap and I miss him...
He also had a shitty week though and ended up hurting himself at work... goofy kid....
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that's the way...beat it back into him

it's the only thing we men understand sometimes

we all need a good beating every now and then to remind us of what's important

Due to my mother and sister talking me out of chopping my hair off, I was left to feel uninterested in myself as I feel the need for some good ol' appearance change.
So I bleached my hair and cut my bangs... it's small but it'll do... for now.
Hmm, I've been thinking of getting something pierced. A monroe maybe... don't know if it'll suit...
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YOU WOULD look TOTALLY CUTE with a Monroe piercing! I truly think it would suit you.
I got my hair cut on Sunday, and all the long pink and purple streaks were sheared off, leaving me looking a bit girly. I too have bangs now. However, i dont think i will ever be able to style my hair as fancy as the salon did! Lord knows what my hair will look like when i wash it! biggrin
I think a monroe would be hot on you! smile
So I'm getting my hair cut soon.
It'll be short and blond.
I'm really gonna miss my pigtails, but damn this hick town.
You can't get work if you look odd... I'm not quite sure what I'll do for clothing though.... hmmm. I might need to get like black pants and a white shirt or osmething lame. boooo.
But I suppose if I have money...
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Im trying to find a job too, and everything i own is inappropriate! I need to find a bunch of plain black slacks, nice button up white tops and some sensible shoes...
My dads advice? Get some decent crap to wear the first 2 weeks from a thrift shop, and spend your first cheque all on clothing.

Good luck sweetie!