Yayyyy, I'm going camping this weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's gonna be sooo fun! With all my friends... Yeah, I'm excited.
I've never gone on a friends camping trip... (loser) haha, I never had alot of friends to go with, so yay.
And my Ella kitty is healing... Crazy leg... But at least she didn't need surgery. We were pretty worried there for a while that she would, but then we took her in for a check up, and turns out her leg had started healing on its own... Something the other vet didn't tell us... she didn't tell us alot of things and missled us. The old vet is way smarter and cheaper. Stupid bitch. haha.
So now that her leg is healing we let her walk about the house a bit, but we have to watch her closely to make sure she doesn't attempt to jump, as that will ruin it.
So she has to live in a cage for now, and though the cage is pretty big, she gets angry and attacks the matt under it. Pooor kitty, she has to stay in there for 4 more weeks...
That will mean she's staying in there for 6 weeks total. Very unpleasant if you ask me. But there's no other way about it!

It's gonna be sooo fun! With all my friends... Yeah, I'm excited.
I've never gone on a friends camping trip... (loser) haha, I never had alot of friends to go with, so yay.
And my Ella kitty is healing... Crazy leg... But at least she didn't need surgery. We were pretty worried there for a while that she would, but then we took her in for a check up, and turns out her leg had started healing on its own... Something the other vet didn't tell us... she didn't tell us alot of things and missled us. The old vet is way smarter and cheaper. Stupid bitch. haha.
So now that her leg is healing we let her walk about the house a bit, but we have to watch her closely to make sure she doesn't attempt to jump, as that will ruin it.
So she has to live in a cage for now, and though the cage is pretty big, she gets angry and attacks the matt under it. Pooor kitty, she has to stay in there for 4 more weeks...

That will mean she's staying in there for 6 weeks total. Very unpleasant if you ask me. But there's no other way about it!