So pretty sure getting sick right when spring break starts sucks alot.
I was supposed to go visit my bff in Victoria, but she got super ill and then accidentally gave it to me when she came here for 2 days... Bah!
I hope I haven't passed it on to anyone else.
But Ryan's been soo awesome lately.
He has to quit smoking
He kept getting sick and getting lung infections, so he went to the hospital, they gave him antibiotics for the infection and told him his lungs suck and he has to quit smoking.
It also doesn't help that he works in a boatyard with all that shit around him... chemicals and whatnot are bad.
But he's doing pretty awesome with the quitting and I'm so proud of him^_^.
Plus he's super awesome and has been taking care of me while I'm ill
I was supposed to go visit my bff in Victoria, but she got super ill and then accidentally gave it to me when she came here for 2 days... Bah!
I hope I haven't passed it on to anyone else.

But Ryan's been soo awesome lately.
He has to quit smoking

He kept getting sick and getting lung infections, so he went to the hospital, they gave him antibiotics for the infection and told him his lungs suck and he has to quit smoking.
It also doesn't help that he works in a boatyard with all that shit around him... chemicals and whatnot are bad.
But he's doing pretty awesome with the quitting and I'm so proud of him^_^.
Plus he's super awesome and has been taking care of me while I'm ill