you know, it is pretty fucked up how many people out there really get off on hurting the people that care about them. it amazes me we've gotten this far as a species some days....
damn......25 fucking years ago, this was the first song i heard by slayer...still love these guys.
hellooooooooooooooooo !!
ugh at apartment hunting. that is all.
this past weekend, i picked up this album (Matthew Sweet - Girlfriend). used to own it and overplay it years ago. great album. until i heard this song, i had forgotten what happened to it. 15 years ago this summer, the person i cared about more than anyone else was murdered. when i found out, i jumped in my car and drove...this was the first...
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Hello fellow upstate new yorker!
Thank you for liking me and my set
Thank you for liking me and my set

what the fuck is wrong with people?!
i swear to fuck, i work with like 3 weeks ago, a girl i work with gets dumped by her boyfriend. she's all dragging and down at work. so i draw this little puzzle 4 different things, and she has to figure out what it means right? something stupid-simple, just to cheer her up, and i...
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i swear to fuck, i work with like 3 weeks ago, a girl i work with gets dumped by her boyfriend. she's all dragging and down at work. so i draw this little puzzle 4 different things, and she has to figure out what it means right? something stupid-simple, just to cheer her up, and i...
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oh hai! thanks for the love on mah new set. 

Sounds like a fun trip! What chocolate factory was it?
so, i loooooove eggplant right? well i read this thing a friend sent me about how something in eggplant actually can cure skin cancer. really trippy.
hmmm.....i was more excited before i read what i wrote about it.
so, i loooooove eggplant right? well i read this thing a friend sent me about how something in eggplant actually can cure skin cancer. really trippy.
hmmm.....i was more excited before i read what i wrote about it.
It was amazing, I can't believe that I never knew it was there. I plan on going back to see a movie in the Eastman Theater. They have a stellar gift shop too.
Yum.....chocolate. I'll have to check it out next time I go to the Eastman House. Speaking of chocolate, I just got a new cookbook. It is by Nigella Lawson, she is the goddess of chocolate treats.
so i've been working like a retard of late, and until like 3 months ago, was just watching my money add up in my bank account while i was saving up for something. so i pretty much haven't been paying attention to my funds or what was being saved up. few days ago, i got my credit card bill...(i've been down to one credit...
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so i've been working like a retard of late, and until like 3 months ago, was just watching my money add up in my bank account while i was saving up for something. so i pretty much haven't been paying attention to my funds or what was being saved up. few days ago, i got my credit card bill...(i've been down to one credit...
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Hmm... either invest it somehow or go buy yourself something fantastic. I'm a compulsive money hoarder, but sometimes you just have to treat yourself.
I suppose you could send me to Disneyland then 

I have never seen that movie, even though everyone talks about it. I'm going to add it to my list of must-sees! Isn't John Goodman in that? He's the man.
Just want to say.... I Miss you man.... Let me say it like I mean it....
I really miss you
There is no one for word ass
And none to haiku.
Sorry if I wasn't as fun as the cool people but if you ever show up late....
Check it out...
Not for me...
For the baby haiku....
I really miss you
There is no one for word ass
And none to haiku.
Sorry if I wasn't as fun as the cool people but if you ever show up late....
Check it out...
Not for me...
For the baby haiku....
So Long, and Thanks for all the Fish
well, it's been a fun 3ish years here. been some good times. i had a blast on the silliness boards. i had a shitload of fun in Magic Camp with all you folks!! i met some awesome folks, and i met someone really fucking special too, who i really really fucking miss, and i'll be stuck wondering...
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well, it's been a fun 3ish years here. been some good times. i had a blast on the silliness boards. i had a shitload of fun in Magic Camp with all you folks!! i met some awesome folks, and i met someone really fucking special too, who i really really fucking miss, and i'll be stuck wondering...
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i'll miss lurking you.

12 Years
This past saturday was my 12 year mark of being sober, without a drink. 12 years ago, i had a fucking big problem, and it was killing me. i had been told by a doctor seeing the age of 30 was a "longshot" if i din't stop drinking. so, i did. and it was fucking hard.....over the years when times got tough, i'd...
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This past saturday was my 12 year mark of being sober, without a drink. 12 years ago, i had a fucking big problem, and it was killing me. i had been told by a doctor seeing the age of 30 was a "longshot" if i din't stop drinking. so, i did. and it was fucking hard.....over the years when times got tough, i'd...
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Thats killer dude, giving up drinking is a really hard thing to do, im glad you found your way out.
On a side note, i miss you....WHY HAVENT YOU COME TO SILLINESS!!!!
On a side note, i miss you....WHY HAVENT YOU COME TO SILLINESS!!!!
Hearing this is a truly amazing. It's really character defining to be able to realize something like this, and it feels really good. I've never had a drinking problem, but I've had that sort of realization before, and I know how it makes you feel.
My brother has a really horrible drinking problem, and he's finally starting to get his life on track. He got terribly sick a month ago, and the doctor told him it was because his blood was really thinned out from drinking, and he said that if my brother were to keep drinking the way he was, he'd be dead in 3 months. And my brother knows he has to stop, but its really hard for him, and I think if he could read this, he'd gain some strength to be able to do it.
So if you don't mind I'd like to share it with my brother.
My brother has a really horrible drinking problem, and he's finally starting to get his life on track. He got terribly sick a month ago, and the doctor told him it was because his blood was really thinned out from drinking, and he said that if my brother were to keep drinking the way he was, he'd be dead in 3 months. And my brother knows he has to stop, but its really hard for him, and I think if he could read this, he'd gain some strength to be able to do it.
So if you don't mind I'd like to share it with my brother.